Wednesday, August 15, 2012

comment removed by fox/disqus

Here is a comment i made whn a little sick of reading the news reminding me of America's coming collapse:
original article:

The unusual thing about this comment, is that it was removed after a few hours.

I detest people that act obnoxious to get their way.  Now is not the time to be mealy mouthed about what is going on in our country. 
I can barely read the news without wanting to sick up, i know i am not the only one.  Our voices must be raised, but as politely as possible, in the face of this continued assault on Americans that follow the values of self responsibility, positive work ethic, sense of fair play .... in short the values laid down by a thousand years of Northern European Law evolution.  Make it a personal mission, as opprotunity allows, to edify those in need that more people have lived in more personal freedom than ever before under the Aegis of American power, and that the "Left" is doing the world no good when it undermines this state of affairs.  The ugliness that will take place as the American power sphere contracts will make anything read by today's generation look like a comic book.
May God (or Gods, if you prefer) forbid the day we have to put the boots on to kick these seditious vermin to the curb.
end rant

I wonder why this comment was removed?  not "flagged", removed.  Other comments contained more verbal vitrol than this, some were downright vulgar.

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