Thursday, November 29, 2012

South Koreans celebrate Fukushima Disaster

Some more anti japanese sentiment

Obama negotiates directly with N. Korea to stall missle tests?

The current administration may have made a secret deal with the N. Korean govenment to stall provacative behavior from the ostracized country.

It appears there was a 4 day long secret US diplomatic mission to N. Korea on or about Aug. 17th.

From the article, an english version of the Korean news site Donga.

“There is a high possibility that the U.S. tried to prevent the North from making an armed provocation ahead of the November presidential election and made a proposal corresponding to it,” the source said

While the press is all over Benghazi gate, i hope they manage a few lines on this one.

Update: an article from an english site , the Atlantic Wire:

Update 12/5/12 from another Korean source:The Kyunghyang Shinmum

Monday, November 26, 2012

North Korea preparing long range missle launch?

who really knows, but here's an article from Donga, a S. Korean website.

Update 11/29/12

Update 12/9/12
US threatens economic sanctions for launching:
Donga: US to cut off NK`s money flow if missile test proceeds

Note: Kim Jong UN has not left Pyongyang since August 27th

Donga: Is NK leader staying in P`yang in fear of his personal safety?

North Korea Sends Weapons Grade Aluminum Ingots to Myanmar, Busted

The Asahi Shibum is a pay site, but you can see three or four articles before the limit kicks in.  The following article is about a shipment of weapons material seized about the time our President was visiting Myanmar.

No particular comment, it just didn't make western media as far as i can tell.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nice article on Chinese Politics

In the 1920's China had a feudal warlord type system with many factions competing for power.  You could count the number of communists in china on one hand (by Chinese population standards).  China, sluggish with a Quing based neo-confucian hangover, was slow to respond to the industrial revolution and the Imperial Japanese exploited the technology to conquer much of China.  WWII is fought and ends, and in the ensuing political chaos the communists, a mere 36000 in number in the 1930's, seize power.
The following Reuters article describes the return of "warlord" types to the Chinese political scene:

There are several warlord era movies of modern production that are, imo, quite good.  Donnie Yen, an awesome martial artist, plays in several.  I will mention "Bodyguards and Assassins" and "IP Man" as good examples (IP Man is set during the early stages of Japanese occupation).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Elmo and a choice of words ...

In an article about the Elmo pedophile scandal and whether or not Elmo will survive as a franchise:

... Adam Hanft, CEO of Hanft Projects, a New York-based marketing company. "Elmo transcends the hand up his back,”

Idk what to say, but you would think the head of a marketing company would have a better phrase on hand.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

America's Decline ...

Mein Gott! where to begin.  In the week following the election it feels like America has recoiled from the decision of the electorate while the mainstream media continues to blow trumpets for our Nero.
Trying to dig out the truth in this morass of disinformation is harder than it should be. 

Jefferson's "Tyranny of the Masses" has reared it's ugly head and the new "slaves*" have made the panglossian decision to print more money until the house of cards falls down.

Many elements of govenment have bloated to self destruction, a relatively detailed account of San Berandino's  downfall due to union extortion serves as a good example:

This brings us to the ugly scenario of government employees, including police and firefighters, siding with a government no longer "by the people".   There are already significant violations of fundamental fulcrums in the checks and balances system.  H.Con.Res 107 addresses one of these obvious transgressions.**
So who's going to union bust when the police are union?   I appreciate the work guys but your pay is out of line.  People are whining about losing twinkies wait until police and fire become problematic.  California just slapped a "fee" on rural dwellers for increased fire protection.  It's not a "tax" it's a "fee" for living near trees.  This fee will help our local fire chief go from 150k a year retirement to 170k.  Ca chopped millions from the fire and police budgets but has money to fund such projects as bullet trains with uncertain funding.  It seems that this "pet project" is going forward without the EPA looking too closely as only the farmers whos land is involved are protesting.  The reason for not addressing their concerns? It costs too much to stop moving forward with the project.
Judge refuses to halt progress of California high-speed rail (Reuters)
I won't even go into the "sanctuary city" concept, as flawed an ideal at the state level as likely to be recorded in history.  The "slaves" have counted themselves and have found that they are mighty.  They reveled in their win:
Dead Pig In Romney shirt thrown on Republican's turf (KTLA)

Was the vote cheated enough to sway the election?  Certainly America was cheated by their media, devoid of impartiality, who has been stuffing the "people" full of garbage for decades.
A picture is worth a thousand words:

 Was there feet on the ground fraud?  Probably, but it was good for Kennedy too and how much fraud may never be determined.  I did find this article:  (i have not had time to fully check out it's claims, however it's and interesting and scary read)

That's it for now

* (tip o' the hat to : for me deciding to sum up the "left", "takers" as simply slaves.

Latest Title: Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Sponsor: Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] (introduced 3/7/2012)      Cosponsors (12)
Latest Major Action: 3/7/2012 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House
Committee on the Judiciary. Currently 12 co-sponsors:
Rep Benishek, Dan [MI-1] - 5/17/2012
Rep Brooks, Mo [AL-5] - 9/21/2012
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] - 4/18/2012
Rep Coffman, Mike [CO-6] - 4/18/2012
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2] - 3/22/2012
Rep Gohmert, Louie [TX-1] - 5/17/2012
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] - 9/10/2012
Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] - 3/28/2012
Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 7/25/2012
Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] - 7/12/2012
Rep Ribble, Reid J. [WI-8] - 4/27/2012
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 9/14/2012
Rep Grijalva, Raul M.
[AZ-7] - 5/10/2012(withdrawn - 5/16/2012)
(taken from the congressional website 11/17/12)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Media bias

A few months ago when this murder was first reported it was "rednecks slaughter innocent immigrant in hate crime"  prompting a round of diplomatic apologies and kowtowing.

Now a few months later, the truth comes out in the backwaters of the KTLA's website,0,6474704.story

above story removed, here's another: 

As of 9/1/13 the story was removed

Sunday, November 11, 2012

PRC pushing Okinawa protests?

After talking with a Japanese friend about the protests in Okinawa against the American military presence there i found it interesting that many Japanese are upset at the Okinawa Governor (for taking money from somewhere and using state resources to stage protests) and i was pointed to a blog and a newspaper article.  Unfortunately they are written in Japanese and quick translation is beyond me even with the modern translation tools.  I may work through it in detail with my friend at a later date.

One thing of note is the evidence of the PRC attending (encouraging) the protests.  My friend gave them the status of agent provocateurs.

I take the liberty of copying the photos specifically because i do not wish to lose track of them:

Update 11/18/12
Okinawa Govenor, Hirokazu Nakaima, continues his quest

Update 8/26/2013
Article from Stars and Stripes about Pro-American Japanese protesting America's presence on Okinawa to undermine the "real" protesters.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

worst case scenario coming true?

I have said more than once that the rise of the military right in China is the world's worst case scenario.
I have also mentioned that the Chinese military academies rhetoric is increasingly threatening.

Something of note from the article:
"Up to seven of the 10 uniformed members of the Central Military Commission, which oversees the armed forces, are set to retire. Members of the new panel are expected to demand an even greater say in decision making — and a tougher line in disputes with other nations."

Until American and Americans take off the rose colored glasses and start knowing enemies for enemies we are truly horked.