Monday, May 7, 2012


My rebuttal to :

The Author is lac_king in basic research skills.
First the easy ta_rg_et (btw i got bor_ed with your tr_ipe and may have mi_sed some details, but i'm going ahead anyway)
The "p.i_m_p" was a wo_man, which would make her a mad_ame (Re_uters)
The girls were all card carrying P-tutes in a country where it is legal.
The girls themselves are shoc_ked by all the attention and the Re_uters interviews show mostly surprise and an attitude of "life is not fair, but we make the best of it".
Do you even know how many of the men were actually married?  In my Navy experience it was the single guys who utilized the locals desire for income as opposed to the married ones.  Many of the guys have no one that cares about them. Try finding American Women today that will sit out deployments alone for 20 years with a few squalling kids without transgressions.  Please research the infid_elity of such wo_men before performing a character as_sa_si_nat_ion on our entire military.  To those "True Navy Wives" g_o_d b_le_s_s your souls because of what it means (to us) when you are alone, cold, and sometimes in f_ear.
I will quote my mom here, as she was a woman of some personal power (OSS employee during WWII)
"Any woman who looks down on a P-tute never had hungry children to feed"
Instead of po_ntificating about the ha_rsh realities of the world as you view them through the myopic lens of our college induced fem_ini_sm, try traveling to any poor country near a military base and meet the people.  Improve their lives if you can, but get a grip on reality first.  You can start by res_earching your story.
end of ra-nt

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