Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally a name..

After a few sodas with a friend a name for the political movement America needs to retain any of it's former glory... O'Neo Platonic Facisim, gonna start my manifesto today.

Essentially a ONF asks when summing up someone is "What good are they in a tribe?" with that being said here are a few ground rules for being an ONF..

You must be actively working, have a proven work record (aka retired), or be in training to perform some useful job/task/public good work etc of value to the State.

The same criteria is required to vote in the ONF state.  With picture/biometric ID (tiered citizenship)

Businesses with assets over a certain amount (say 250 million) will be called in to the carpet and asked to essentially swear loyalty to the state.  In other words, to put their people first and not their profit.  (note to self to include hidden trading vehicle dismantlement)  Other than this, the State shall disentangle itself from business other than security of State interests abroad.

Raw resource extraction, re-building our industries and associated insurance against foreign material-component-technology supply fluctuations shall be prioritized over frivolous environmental concerns.

Population control will no longer be taboo to discuss and (hardened) criminals should fear for their fertility.  Reverse eugenics will be halted.

interrupted, back to this later

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