I have had a unique existence recently which includes the ingestion of (pig) stem cells. They truly work wonders, and while not easily impressed, I could use the term miraculous.
I have been a horror fan all of my life, and the same can be said of mythology. I was recently watching "Dumplings" from 2004 (I think there are 2 versions) and although I didn't finish it (some J and K horror I find too distasteful), I did watch it long enough to know they were ingesting fetuses to maintain beauty.
I also seem to recall a Asian horror movie with the theme of ancient Chinese keeping fetuses and children of very young age in small urns for magical purposes.
If you had to find stem cells in the ancient world, fetuses would be the only source. When I took my stem cells, I took them "oral, sub-lingual", in other words, I held them under my tounge for as long as possible to be absorbed through the lymphatic system. Is it possible that there are ancient Chinese magical practices that involve the ritual eating of fetuses? Since ancient medicine was mostly trial and error, is it possible they achieved benefits from these rituals? As fetuses develop, their cells vary and you have stages of "new" nerve, muscle, bone, etc etc cells being formed. Is it possible that they were able to "tune" the benefit to the age of the fetus?
Odd thoughts, but it would be interesting to cross-correlate the rituals (if they exist) with cell development.
Update 05/06/12:
Capsules of human flesh from fetuses and still born children being smuggled out of China:
Update 05/18/2012
Dead Babies being smuggled for black magic purposes:
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