Good Day, at the risk of negative karma for hubris I have decided to write a blog. I am inspired to do so by others that know me and like my crazed ranting. I am also inspired by my now deceased parents. My father, a hidden hero WWII fighter pilot, who's last command was VFAW-3, giving him responsibility for defending a substantial part of the west coast (against Soviet nuclear threat), and my mom, who worked "the foreign desk" (regarding communist china) for the OSS. The reason they inspire me to this day is because they taught me "The Great Game" starting at a very young age. They did this without conscious effort because they played it and current events were always the topic of dinner table discussion. I developed a feeling of something akin to hatred (fear, despair, respect) for nuclear weapons, and am eternally grateful for the fact America developed them first. America bashers throughout the world should contemplate what would have happened if Germany or Imperial Japan had won the nuclear race. I felt strongly enough to be happy in my military job (but not in the post Nam era military, which to my eyes was fubar) dealing with the pursuit and destruction of Soviet SSBNs, aka "sink a sub, save a city". I have flown (not as pilot) the flight path of the Enola Gay, and visited Hiroshima. My life was nuclear deterrence until I was 21. If i have any long term regrets, i regret i did not have the maturity to stay in the military and try to make it a better place (after Nam), and my hats are off to those that did.
I am a bit mad, in both senses of the word and will comment about current events, especially those that try to rewrite history. I am also blogging because I have too many comments censored by Fox, CNN, etc
This is half diary and half letting off steam. <shrug> Due to long illness and slow recovery I have had (too) much time to think. Mad speculations and wild theories (about most anything) rebound around in my head like coins in a vacuum. It ain't always pretty. But i am told it can be a show. Wild hyperbole and bizarre metaphors are the scratchpad memory in my mind. I'll see what i can do to hopefully inspire positive discourse on sometimes polarizing subjects. I admit to a negative attitude at times, but i plead long illness and pain as the damper to my natural (non-Panglossian) optimism.