I think Obama is the worst president in American history that I am aware of. (I am not all that good at American governmental history). I also think he doesn't really matter any more than a day old mouthful of spit.
Our real enemy is the greed and pride of the elites that control both American parties. They are spreading racial, class, and misplaced religious hatred (assault on Christians, coddle a moslem) in order to confuse and polarize the masses to their true games, which seems to be a leftist U.N. based world political system in bed to some degree with a boat load of moslems. Please remember, even Jesus overturned the moneylenders tables. The American public has just recently been robbed by the banking/mortgage/housing industries. They have not stopped, the extortion of the American tax payer goes on with every turn of the dollar press.
Beware the following warning signs (among others)
US troops under direct UN control (baby steps in Libya)
US gun laws bowing to international laws and or regulations
The ramming of carbon based cap and trade down our throats due to "global warming" (jury still out, hard to find straight facts, see posts on climate)
One must understand our place in history, and include the future in this vision. Our place in history is already established as a falling empire. China will rise and expand, bullying south east asia economically, and may God (or Gods, if you prefer) help us if the right wing elements of the Chinese military seize control of their government (think 1930's Japan with unlimited natural resources).
The Great American Lion has seen it's best days, and the world knows this. Every country is going to try to take a bite out of us on our way down. This includes our current "friends". And it is important to remember that "Big Business" has no patriotism.
The only thing we can do to truly "Save America" would require draconian measures such as:
Immediately dissolve or establish new rules for our relationship with the UN, I have lost track of the number of reasons this misguided parasitic boil on the American body politic should be shutdown. If you want something from America, come and ask for it, bring your checkbook, and in the case of failed states looking for more handouts, at least bring humility and stop burning our flags.
Open statement to the (mostly moslem) World: If you assault us in any way, shape, or form. We will come kill you in the dark of night, every single time. We will recognize no borders (except those defined by realpolitik) or foreign courts. And follow through every single time. (personally, when drone technology gets better, i think laser blinding of terrorists should be done with a rasterized cross, to better instill the legend of our vengeance).
Become the world's police force, But they have to ask us really, really nicely, and pay for it.
Merit Based Voting: If you do not, or have not, worked in your life, you don't get to vote. This eliminates the "negative feedback loop" of large voting blocks voting themselves more entitlements. Which proves to me true democracy, even the type we have here in the US (Republic), is in the long run, an unsustainable system.
(historical/ constitutional note: Both the Greeks and our Founding Fathers had social requirements for voting)
Public acknowledgement that we, the American people, are about to lose the war of commerce. There are many reasons for this. Touching on a few that need immediate attention:
lack of Import tariffs
An EPA common sense overview, restructure, and sharp curtailment of their growing power.
Immediate cessation of all "Dark Pool" trading, and a removal of computer "intelligence" from trading (algorithms). I will never know enough about this, but some type of oversight is needed.
THE EDUCATION SYSTEM; No child should be left behind, BUT sort them out by aptitude at about 10 years old, teach the bright ones and send them on to higher education in Math, Science and Engineering, Train the ones who are not so blessed so they have pride in what they do Tinker Tailor Soldier etc etc
Slap a fine on the Chinese for estimated hardware/software/media piracy. Deduct it from what we owe them.
Immediate review of all foreign aid programs. Justification and purpose. Sharp reductions will be needed, babies will die, women will weep, and men will shake their fists, drink, and say venomous things about us. But, they already do.
Re open all the American rare earth mines (closed because they could not compete with the Chinese) (part of EPA overview above)
Update 10/9/2011: Rare earth mines re-opened!
Re-invigorate the space program, overtly to go to the moon for Helium-3 (a good power source candidate for the next 100 years), China and Russia are both starting programs) and covertly to compete with the chinese military in space as they are weaponizing their space program.
Review all military assets for manufacturability in case of war. Ensure 100% of parts are available domestically. All chinese parts in stock or early production retested. (evaluate parts as to necessity, not suggesting we tear test toilet paper)
English becomes the only language in the courts and schools.
Medical ethics review boards to analyze the effects of "negative eugenics" upon society.
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