China came late to the industrial game due to Qing Neo-Confucian inertia. They were then held back from development by civil war and the "warlord" period, the Japanese and WWII, and the communists who perpetrated the greatest genocide of history.
They are now, after developing a sufficiently malleable and brainwashed population, getting a handle on industry and technology. They are flush with cash and feeling their oats.
Taiwan, which follows western ideals/values more closely than China's communist regime is our ally (think a huge N Korea, a tiny S. Korea, with water for the 38th parallel). This has roots as far back as the 19th century. We have betrayed Taiwan several times due to "realpolotik". (Taiwan kicked out all the American diplomats, some at gun point, in the mid 70's when Nixon normalized relations with China).
I personally will cry a river the day we cough up Taiwan to appease the Chinese. Because it's another domino falling the wrong way.
Fear the rise of the nationalists in the Chinese Military Acadamies, if this occurs, and morphs into something along the lines of 1930's Japan, we are in for a boatload of trouble. Already it is easy to find acts of Chinese aggression in SE Asian news.
We should start reopening rare earth mines here in the States (previously closed, couldn't compete with the chinese) as China has already choked rare earth supply to Japan for political reasons. (for you Green types, you will never get green without rare earths)
Slap tariffs on imports, review all mission critical components of the military and defense entities for 100% domestic sourcing, look em in the eye and know them for who they are. Negotiate as needed. Start keeping the best technology closer to home. Try to instill some patriotism in big business (cynical laugh), never mind, just a bit of hope there.
Update 05'22/12: Chinese counterfeit parts in American military equipment:
From BBC News
Re ignite our space program, overtly to go to the moon for H3 but also to stay even with China's weaponization of space.
Thoughts on today's Chaotic World
More People Have Lived in More Personal Freedom Under the Aegis of American Power than Ever Before in the History of Man
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Fix America, another rant
I think Obama is the worst president in American history that I am aware of. (I am not all that good at American governmental history). I also think he doesn't really matter any more than a day old mouthful of spit.
Our real enemy is the greed and pride of the elites that control both American parties. They are spreading racial, class, and misplaced religious hatred (assault on Christians, coddle a moslem) in order to confuse and polarize the masses to their true games, which seems to be a leftist U.N. based world political system in bed to some degree with a boat load of moslems. Please remember, even Jesus overturned the moneylenders tables. The American public has just recently been robbed by the banking/mortgage/housing industries. They have not stopped, the extortion of the American tax payer goes on with every turn of the dollar press.
Beware the following warning signs (among others)
US troops under direct UN control (baby steps in Libya)
US gun laws bowing to international laws and or regulations
The ramming of carbon based cap and trade down our throats due to "global warming" (jury still out, hard to find straight facts, see posts on climate)
One must understand our place in history, and include the future in this vision. Our place in history is already established as a falling empire. China will rise and expand, bullying south east asia economically, and may God (or Gods, if you prefer) help us if the right wing elements of the Chinese military seize control of their government (think 1930's Japan with unlimited natural resources).
The Great American Lion has seen it's best days, and the world knows this. Every country is going to try to take a bite out of us on our way down. This includes our current "friends". And it is important to remember that "Big Business" has no patriotism.
The only thing we can do to truly "Save America" would require draconian measures such as:
Immediately dissolve or establish new rules for our relationship with the UN, I have lost track of the number of reasons this misguided parasitic boil on the American body politic should be shutdown. If you want something from America, come and ask for it, bring your checkbook, and in the case of failed states looking for more handouts, at least bring humility and stop burning our flags.
Open statement to the (mostly moslem) World: If you assault us in any way, shape, or form. We will come kill you in the dark of night, every single time. We will recognize no borders (except those defined by realpolitik) or foreign courts. And follow through every single time. (personally, when drone technology gets better, i think laser blinding of terrorists should be done with a rasterized cross, to better instill the legend of our vengeance).
Become the world's police force, But they have to ask us really, really nicely, and pay for it.
Merit Based Voting: If you do not, or have not, worked in your life, you don't get to vote. This eliminates the "negative feedback loop" of large voting blocks voting themselves more entitlements. Which proves to me true democracy, even the type we have here in the US (Republic), is in the long run, an unsustainable system.
(historical/ constitutional note: Both the Greeks and our Founding Fathers had social requirements for voting)
Public acknowledgement that we, the American people, are about to lose the war of commerce. There are many reasons for this. Touching on a few that need immediate attention:
lack of Import tariffs
An EPA common sense overview, restructure, and sharp curtailment of their growing power.
Immediate cessation of all "Dark Pool" trading, and a removal of computer "intelligence" from trading (algorithms). I will never know enough about this, but some type of oversight is needed.
THE EDUCATION SYSTEM; No child should be left behind, BUT sort them out by aptitude at about 10 years old, teach the bright ones and send them on to higher education in Math, Science and Engineering, Train the ones who are not so blessed so they have pride in what they do Tinker Tailor Soldier etc etc
Slap a fine on the Chinese for estimated hardware/software/media piracy. Deduct it from what we owe them.
Immediate review of all foreign aid programs. Justification and purpose. Sharp reductions will be needed, babies will die, women will weep, and men will shake their fists, drink, and say venomous things about us. But, they already do.
Re open all the American rare earth mines (closed because they could not compete with the Chinese) (part of EPA overview above)
Update 10/9/2011: Rare earth mines re-opened!
Re-invigorate the space program, overtly to go to the moon for Helium-3 (a good power source candidate for the next 100 years), China and Russia are both starting programs) and covertly to compete with the chinese military in space as they are weaponizing their space program.
Review all military assets for manufacturability in case of war. Ensure 100% of parts are available domestically. All chinese parts in stock or early production retested. (evaluate parts as to necessity, not suggesting we tear test toilet paper)
English becomes the only language in the courts and schools.
Medical ethics review boards to analyze the effects of "negative eugenics" upon society.
Our real enemy is the greed and pride of the elites that control both American parties. They are spreading racial, class, and misplaced religious hatred (assault on Christians, coddle a moslem) in order to confuse and polarize the masses to their true games, which seems to be a leftist U.N. based world political system in bed to some degree with a boat load of moslems. Please remember, even Jesus overturned the moneylenders tables. The American public has just recently been robbed by the banking/mortgage/housing industries. They have not stopped, the extortion of the American tax payer goes on with every turn of the dollar press.
Beware the following warning signs (among others)
US troops under direct UN control (baby steps in Libya)
US gun laws bowing to international laws and or regulations
The ramming of carbon based cap and trade down our throats due to "global warming" (jury still out, hard to find straight facts, see posts on climate)
One must understand our place in history, and include the future in this vision. Our place in history is already established as a falling empire. China will rise and expand, bullying south east asia economically, and may God (or Gods, if you prefer) help us if the right wing elements of the Chinese military seize control of their government (think 1930's Japan with unlimited natural resources).
The Great American Lion has seen it's best days, and the world knows this. Every country is going to try to take a bite out of us on our way down. This includes our current "friends". And it is important to remember that "Big Business" has no patriotism.
The only thing we can do to truly "Save America" would require draconian measures such as:
Immediately dissolve or establish new rules for our relationship with the UN, I have lost track of the number of reasons this misguided parasitic boil on the American body politic should be shutdown. If you want something from America, come and ask for it, bring your checkbook, and in the case of failed states looking for more handouts, at least bring humility and stop burning our flags.
Open statement to the (mostly moslem) World: If you assault us in any way, shape, or form. We will come kill you in the dark of night, every single time. We will recognize no borders (except those defined by realpolitik) or foreign courts. And follow through every single time. (personally, when drone technology gets better, i think laser blinding of terrorists should be done with a rasterized cross, to better instill the legend of our vengeance).
Become the world's police force, But they have to ask us really, really nicely, and pay for it.
Merit Based Voting: If you do not, or have not, worked in your life, you don't get to vote. This eliminates the "negative feedback loop" of large voting blocks voting themselves more entitlements. Which proves to me true democracy, even the type we have here in the US (Republic), is in the long run, an unsustainable system.
(historical/ constitutional note: Both the Greeks and our Founding Fathers had social requirements for voting)
Public acknowledgement that we, the American people, are about to lose the war of commerce. There are many reasons for this. Touching on a few that need immediate attention:
lack of Import tariffs
An EPA common sense overview, restructure, and sharp curtailment of their growing power.
Immediate cessation of all "Dark Pool" trading, and a removal of computer "intelligence" from trading (algorithms). I will never know enough about this, but some type of oversight is needed.
THE EDUCATION SYSTEM; No child should be left behind, BUT sort them out by aptitude at about 10 years old, teach the bright ones and send them on to higher education in Math, Science and Engineering, Train the ones who are not so blessed so they have pride in what they do Tinker Tailor Soldier etc etc
Slap a fine on the Chinese for estimated hardware/software/media piracy. Deduct it from what we owe them.
Immediate review of all foreign aid programs. Justification and purpose. Sharp reductions will be needed, babies will die, women will weep, and men will shake their fists, drink, and say venomous things about us. But, they already do.
Re open all the American rare earth mines (closed because they could not compete with the Chinese) (part of EPA overview above)
Update 10/9/2011: Rare earth mines re-opened!
Re-invigorate the space program, overtly to go to the moon for Helium-3 (a good power source candidate for the next 100 years), China and Russia are both starting programs) and covertly to compete with the chinese military in space as they are weaponizing their space program.
Review all military assets for manufacturability in case of war. Ensure 100% of parts are available domestically. All chinese parts in stock or early production retested. (evaluate parts as to necessity, not suggesting we tear test toilet paper)
English becomes the only language in the courts and schools.
Medical ethics review boards to analyze the effects of "negative eugenics" upon society.
Why I dislike "Wall Street"
Recently inspired by being thought liberal after voicing concerns regarding Black Pool trading and the use of computer algorithms for trading I am going to try to articulate why I do not like "Wall Street".
In WWII it was American industrial capacity that saved our arse. We out built them. Even better, our free thinking minds out designed them for another 50 years. In the old days guilds were formed to protect trade secrets. America protected it's technology well until the 1960's cultural revolution when it became more and more popular to sell hi-tech equipment to former enemies, in some cases, to existing enemies' proxies. The Clinton administration was particularly good at it. I recall being particularly incensed when Clinton sold some proprietary bearing cutting machines to a Chinese proxy effectively making all of their submarines significantly quieter.
This has become much uglier, besides all of the jobs the past administrations (of both stripe) have shipped overseas, the demonization of heavy industry here in the US and the trade imbalance, there are serious defense considerations.
What percentage of .. say a F-18 is manufactured here in the US? If not 100% what countries supply these components? This is a topic that can be expounded on, i digress.
With the rise of the left in the mid 60s, these college students then entered the workforce. It would be interesting to know the stats on number of MBA's vs. Civil engineers (or other "hard science") for the last 70 years or so. I, after learning electronics in high school and the military, worked in the silicon valley in about 6 or 7 start up companies. Watching how MBA's execute their skills on an "acquired asset" is a real eye opener. Ethics are pretty well forgotten and bumper stickers like "he who dies with the most toys wins" exist on the backs of BMW's. For anyone not feeling the anger i suggest re-watching (rereading?) the Scott Lei (sp) Enron testimony. He is not the only one! These ethically castrated people have existed in business since time began, but, by their nature, rise to the top, and generally stay there until overthrown by a stronger power. (i.e. the Knights Templar gained much power though usury tricks and were eventually purged) I personally believe that the general ethical behavior in Americans has plummeted over the last 40 years. I know damn sure it has in the politicians.
Now the tools with the most economic leverage ever to exist in the history of man are in the hands of MBA's and computer scientists. The servers and condition sampling/prediction algorithms are in the hands of those that like power. I have worked closely with computers, and have a pretty good idea of how they work. The same can be said of programming, but i am not a programmer.
remember, some of these banks pay up to 150,000$ per square foot for server space in prime financial areas, to gain a few billionths of a second.
I imagine these servers (programs) recognize "states" i.e A hurricane in Florida + glut of plywood supply in Oregon = buy shipper stock for next 24 hours sell in 3 months
This concept can be honed to an infinite number of of conditions, and improved constantly over time with observation. It is a computer based money skimmer. So far it has only worked with massive cash injections at the taxpayer level. When will their "computer model" develop a self sustaining feedback loop that pays for itself? How much did it contribute to the "loan derivatives" causing the "too big to fail" situations costing me 40% of my retirement cash and about 100k equity, and my kids future money (by way of taxes).
Update 4 09/30/12
Ma and Pa investors lose out on recent stock market gains
I would also like to re-state that I think the top 5 white collar crime felons for each year should be hung by the neck until they are dead on the white house lawn on the day of the State of the Union Address. I stress that it should be a day of celebration with food for all, trinkets for the kids, and weak beer for the adults.
UPDATE 3 11/10/2011
China actually does this, without the fanfare:
China Executes Fraudsters
I trust wall street like a brother.... not one bit.
Update: This is a link to a blog article regarding Amazon employees dropping from heat exhaustion.
With the increase in depressed circumstances for many, employers will be able to pick and choose with ease. I hope this is an anomaly and not a windsock for the future of the American worker.
Update 2:
In WWII it was American industrial capacity that saved our arse. We out built them. Even better, our free thinking minds out designed them for another 50 years. In the old days guilds were formed to protect trade secrets. America protected it's technology well until the 1960's cultural revolution when it became more and more popular to sell hi-tech equipment to former enemies, in some cases, to existing enemies' proxies. The Clinton administration was particularly good at it. I recall being particularly incensed when Clinton sold some proprietary bearing cutting machines to a Chinese proxy effectively making all of their submarines significantly quieter.
This has become much uglier, besides all of the jobs the past administrations (of both stripe) have shipped overseas, the demonization of heavy industry here in the US and the trade imbalance, there are serious defense considerations.
What percentage of .. say a F-18 is manufactured here in the US? If not 100% what countries supply these components? This is a topic that can be expounded on, i digress.
With the rise of the left in the mid 60s, these college students then entered the workforce. It would be interesting to know the stats on number of MBA's vs. Civil engineers (or other "hard science") for the last 70 years or so. I, after learning electronics in high school and the military, worked in the silicon valley in about 6 or 7 start up companies. Watching how MBA's execute their skills on an "acquired asset" is a real eye opener. Ethics are pretty well forgotten and bumper stickers like "he who dies with the most toys wins" exist on the backs of BMW's. For anyone not feeling the anger i suggest re-watching (rereading?) the Scott Lei (sp) Enron testimony. He is not the only one! These ethically castrated people have existed in business since time began, but, by their nature, rise to the top, and generally stay there until overthrown by a stronger power. (i.e. the Knights Templar gained much power though usury tricks and were eventually purged) I personally believe that the general ethical behavior in Americans has plummeted over the last 40 years. I know damn sure it has in the politicians.
Now the tools with the most economic leverage ever to exist in the history of man are in the hands of MBA's and computer scientists. The servers and condition sampling/prediction algorithms are in the hands of those that like power. I have worked closely with computers, and have a pretty good idea of how they work. The same can be said of programming, but i am not a programmer.
remember, some of these banks pay up to 150,000$ per square foot for server space in prime financial areas, to gain a few billionths of a second.
I imagine these servers (programs) recognize "states" i.e A hurricane in Florida + glut of plywood supply in Oregon = buy shipper stock for next 24 hours sell in 3 months
This concept can be honed to an infinite number of of conditions, and improved constantly over time with observation. It is a computer based money skimmer. So far it has only worked with massive cash injections at the taxpayer level. When will their "computer model" develop a self sustaining feedback loop that pays for itself? How much did it contribute to the "loan derivatives" causing the "too big to fail" situations costing me 40% of my retirement cash and about 100k equity, and my kids future money (by way of taxes).
Update 4 09/30/12
Ma and Pa investors lose out on recent stock market gains
I would also like to re-state that I think the top 5 white collar crime felons for each year should be hung by the neck until they are dead on the white house lawn on the day of the State of the Union Address. I stress that it should be a day of celebration with food for all, trinkets for the kids, and weak beer for the adults.
UPDATE 3 11/10/2011
China actually does this, without the fanfare:
China Executes Fraudsters
I trust wall street like a brother.... not one bit.
Update: This is a link to a blog article regarding Amazon employees dropping from heat exhaustion.
With the increase in depressed circumstances for many, employers will be able to pick and choose with ease. I hope this is an anomaly and not a windsock for the future of the American worker.
Update 2:
Exclusive: Justice Department probing Chinese accounting
Quote from article " Not having proper accounting and reliable audit review for publicly traded companies with operations in China is just not acceptable. We have to find a path to resolution of this issue," Khuzami said. "It is ... a big issue for us."
Follow up 10/15/11:
Follow up: 03/10/12
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Found some outrage, Ignored in the media? Starting to look like it...
Peeps protesting Wall Street. Now while I don't recommend this group (yet), because their agenda seems unclear (i haven't read what they are up to in detail). But I am surprised there hasn't been more of this. I do not understand why everyone who paid into 401ks and Social Security aren't more angry about bankers/wall street/credit rating/government/mortgage companies flushing 40% of retirement wealth on uncounted predominantly honest hard working people.
Questions I would like to see answered:
Why is black pool trading allowed? Is it regulated?
Why are large financial servers being moved to 150K$ a sq. ft. facilities close to financial hubs so they have a 9 or 10 nanosecond edge on each other?
These things, un-regulated trade, and computer algorithms trading at a speed fast enough to where billionths of a second make a difference are what scare me into thinking the talking heads are heading the American train for a cliff.
I would also like a list of big money companies and people that have essentially "sold out" America, and drag in the politicians that aren't willing to slap some trade leveling mechanisms with our global cheap labor competitors.
Peeps protesting Wall Street. Now while I don't recommend this group (yet), because their agenda seems unclear (i haven't read what they are up to in detail). But I am surprised there hasn't been more of this. I do not understand why everyone who paid into 401ks and Social Security aren't more angry about bankers/wall street/credit rating/government/mortgage companies flushing 40% of retirement wealth on uncounted predominantly honest hard working people.
Questions I would like to see answered:
Why is black pool trading allowed? Is it regulated?
Why are large financial servers being moved to 150K$ a sq. ft. facilities close to financial hubs so they have a 9 or 10 nanosecond edge on each other?
These things, un-regulated trade, and computer algorithms trading at a speed fast enough to where billionths of a second make a difference are what scare me into thinking the talking heads are heading the American train for a cliff.
I would also like a list of big money companies and people that have essentially "sold out" America, and drag in the politicians that aren't willing to slap some trade leveling mechanisms with our global cheap labor competitors.
2nd Century Imperial Roman Port Found
I am just putting new archeological finds into one category for my future reference.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Solyndra and goverment smoke and mirrors
First off, American based solar companies will not succeed because they can't compete with the Chinese.
I would also like to note, CNN hasn't run a story on Solyndra in 3 or 4 days.
So they all take the 5th, a predictable outcome but what toasts my bread is the following statements:
First it is established that the 500M loan was "restructured" (by the Obama administration) to pay the private investors off first, as opposed to the taxpayers, in case of bankruptcy or default in clear violation of economic stimulus law.
Deputy energy sec. Daniel Poneman (squidmo in my mind) sez that "the restructuring was entirely legal" because he was looking out for the taxpayers best interests by giving the company a better chance to succeed.
I mean... what is the response to such obviously self serving idiocy? This has to be criminal. If it isn't, then it should be. I hope people wake up to the idea that criminals, in suits or in tats, need to be punished to the point of deterrence.
I propose that on the day the state of the union address is made, they hang the top 5 white collar crime criminals on the front lawn of the white house. It should be a festive atmosphere with treats for the kids and weak beer for the adults. Perhaps vendors can sell tiny nooses with the most vilified character dangling on the end. Maddoff on a stick, Bouncing Bernie.
Update: 10/7/2011 This describes the "Federal Financing Bank" which is ripe for abuse (or squeezed dry from abuse)
They start with an Obama quote ""We are not going to be duplicating the kind of system that they have in China where they are basically state-run banks giving money to state-run companies and ignoring losses and ignoring, you know, bad management."
Then the article points out that we DO have a state run bank that props up private ventures, and in the case of the Solyndra loan, the private investors get paid back before this "bank".
This is the type of corruption in the system that should be front page news every day until it is exposed and corrected.
Update 10/13/11 another company in the same situation:
Update 10/14/11 the actual structure of the loan being called into question by Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce oversight subcommittee.
Gary Burner, chief financial officer of the Treasury Federal Financing Bank responsible for the loan and a 28-year veteran of the Treasury Department, said he's never heard of a case where private money was prioritized ahead of taxpayer money in a loan.
The GOP lawmakers cited other emails showing that Mary Miller, an assistant treasury secretary, said the restructuring deal could violate the law because it put investors' interests ahead of taxpayers.
Read more:
What I would like to see is the head of the FFB questioned by a senate investigative committee about where FFB money goes.
So here we are, Solyndra has been dropped from the mainstream media but here's a tidbit i found in the backwaters of fox with 3, count em 3, comments ... that were made by advertising bots or paid comments for gold , stocks, and get rich quick schemes.
Apparently some Delaware judge decided that ``I think it's clear this case does not rise to the level of failure to disclose that would mandate appointment of trustee,''
So the fact the the top management all takes the 5th doesn't raise a flag for any one?
They are going to continue to let these people run the company on our dollars without oversight?
I have no proper words to reflect my dismay at how rotted our government has become.
Read more:
UPDATE 11/27/11
I have been following the story still, but just saw the same stuff rehashed until this moment when Chu is taken to task
Chu takes the fall
Re: the loan structure Chu says:
he Energy Department faced a difficult decision in late 2010 and early this year, Chu said: Force Solyndra into immediate bankruptcy or restructure the loan guarantee to allow the company to accept emergency financing that would be paid back first if the company was still unable to recover.
Read more:
I would also like to note, CNN hasn't run a story on Solyndra in 3 or 4 days.
So they all take the 5th, a predictable outcome but what toasts my bread is the following statements:
First it is established that the 500M loan was "restructured" (by the Obama administration) to pay the private investors off first, as opposed to the taxpayers, in case of bankruptcy or default in clear violation of economic stimulus law.
Deputy energy sec. Daniel Poneman (squidmo in my mind) sez that "the restructuring was entirely legal" because he was looking out for the taxpayers best interests by giving the company a better chance to succeed.
I mean... what is the response to such obviously self serving idiocy? This has to be criminal. If it isn't, then it should be. I hope people wake up to the idea that criminals, in suits or in tats, need to be punished to the point of deterrence.
I propose that on the day the state of the union address is made, they hang the top 5 white collar crime criminals on the front lawn of the white house. It should be a festive atmosphere with treats for the kids and weak beer for the adults. Perhaps vendors can sell tiny nooses with the most vilified character dangling on the end. Maddoff on a stick, Bouncing Bernie.
Update: 10/7/2011 This describes the "Federal Financing Bank" which is ripe for abuse (or squeezed dry from abuse)
They start with an Obama quote ""We are not going to be duplicating the kind of system that they have in China where they are basically state-run banks giving money to state-run companies and ignoring losses and ignoring, you know, bad management."
Then the article points out that we DO have a state run bank that props up private ventures, and in the case of the Solyndra loan, the private investors get paid back before this "bank".
This is the type of corruption in the system that should be front page news every day until it is exposed and corrected.
Update 10/13/11 another company in the same situation:
Update 10/14/11 the actual structure of the loan being called into question by Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce oversight subcommittee.
Gary Burner, chief financial officer of the Treasury Federal Financing Bank responsible for the loan and a 28-year veteran of the Treasury Department, said he's never heard of a case where private money was prioritized ahead of taxpayer money in a loan.
Read more:
What I would like to see is the head of the FFB questioned by a senate investigative committee about where FFB money goes.
So here we are, Solyndra has been dropped from the mainstream media but here's a tidbit i found in the backwaters of fox with 3, count em 3, comments ... that were made by advertising bots or paid comments for gold , stocks, and get rich quick schemes.
Apparently some Delaware judge decided that ``I think it's clear this case does not rise to the level of failure to disclose that would mandate appointment of trustee,''
So the fact the the top management all takes the 5th doesn't raise a flag for any one?
They are going to continue to let these people run the company on our dollars without oversight?
I have no proper words to reflect my dismay at how rotted our government has become.
Read more:
UPDATE 11/27/11
I have been following the story still, but just saw the same stuff rehashed until this moment when Chu is taken to task
Chu takes the fall
Re: the loan structure Chu says:
he Energy Department faced a difficult decision in late 2010 and early this year, Chu said: Force Solyndra into immediate bankruptcy or restructure the loan guarantee to allow the company to accept emergency financing that would be paid back first if the company was still unable to recover.
"Immediate bankruptcy meant a 100 percent certainty of default, with an unfinished plant as collateral. Restructuring improved the chance of recovering taxpayer money by giving the company a fighting chance at success," Chu said in his written testimony.
Although both options involved significant uncertainty, Chu said he made the judgment that restructuring was the better option to recover the maximum amount of the government's loan. The decision also meant continued employment for the company's approximately 1,100 workers, he said.
Chu said it was worth noting that U.S. taxpayers remain first in line for repayment of the initial loan and noted that private groups invested nearly $1 billion in the company.
Read more:
So, what a mess to figure out. Stinks to high heaven to me. I have no idea how prolonging failure can be a positive thing. I would be especially irked if i was one of the managers (out of the loop) and told to hire a bunch of peeps only to lay them of in a few months time. Even worse if it's just to set the stage for a dog and pony show.
Update 2/22/12
The Delaware judge is back.....
the link name says it all.
Update 7/20/12
The energy dept loses more money:
Update 2/22/12
The Delaware judge is back.....
the link name says it all.
Update 7/20/12
The energy dept loses more money:
Friday, September 16, 2011
Stem Cells, Chinese Mythology, and K-horror
I have had a unique existence recently which includes the ingestion of (pig) stem cells. They truly work wonders, and while not easily impressed, I could use the term miraculous.
I have been a horror fan all of my life, and the same can be said of mythology. I was recently watching "Dumplings" from 2004 (I think there are 2 versions) and although I didn't finish it (some J and K horror I find too distasteful), I did watch it long enough to know they were ingesting fetuses to maintain beauty.
I also seem to recall a Asian horror movie with the theme of ancient Chinese keeping fetuses and children of very young age in small urns for magical purposes.
If you had to find stem cells in the ancient world, fetuses would be the only source. When I took my stem cells, I took them "oral, sub-lingual", in other words, I held them under my tounge for as long as possible to be absorbed through the lymphatic system. Is it possible that there are ancient Chinese magical practices that involve the ritual eating of fetuses? Since ancient medicine was mostly trial and error, is it possible they achieved benefits from these rituals? As fetuses develop, their cells vary and you have stages of "new" nerve, muscle, bone, etc etc cells being formed. Is it possible that they were able to "tune" the benefit to the age of the fetus?
Odd thoughts, but it would be interesting to cross-correlate the rituals (if they exist) with cell development.
Update 05/06/12:
Capsules of human flesh from fetuses and still born children being smuggled out of China:
Update 05/18/2012
Dead Babies being smuggled for black magic purposes:
I have been a horror fan all of my life, and the same can be said of mythology. I was recently watching "Dumplings" from 2004 (I think there are 2 versions) and although I didn't finish it (some J and K horror I find too distasteful), I did watch it long enough to know they were ingesting fetuses to maintain beauty.
I also seem to recall a Asian horror movie with the theme of ancient Chinese keeping fetuses and children of very young age in small urns for magical purposes.
If you had to find stem cells in the ancient world, fetuses would be the only source. When I took my stem cells, I took them "oral, sub-lingual", in other words, I held them under my tounge for as long as possible to be absorbed through the lymphatic system. Is it possible that there are ancient Chinese magical practices that involve the ritual eating of fetuses? Since ancient medicine was mostly trial and error, is it possible they achieved benefits from these rituals? As fetuses develop, their cells vary and you have stages of "new" nerve, muscle, bone, etc etc cells being formed. Is it possible that they were able to "tune" the benefit to the age of the fetus?
Odd thoughts, but it would be interesting to cross-correlate the rituals (if they exist) with cell development.
Update 05/06/12:
Capsules of human flesh from fetuses and still born children being smuggled out of China:
Update 05/18/2012
Dead Babies being smuggled for black magic purposes:
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