Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Censored by Livefyre on Fox News

Lasted about 10 minutes and was removed, along with the comment i was responding to.

Thanks, i'll check it out, i follow Asian media closer than most Americans but i haven't watched that one yet.
I watched a history of kung-fu on netflix a while back and it had an interesting comment regarding the shift in plot lines of the kung-fu movies coming out of Hong Kong since the PRC took over. It's very true, my kids and i were actually surprised (at the time) at some of the early Donnie Yen movie's plots, "The PRC allowed this?" "Oh it's Hong Kong"
There has been a policy change in Korea the last few years with an associated rise in anti-Japanese sentiment.  Personally i think the PRC has it's greasy propaganda machine turning overtime to demonize the Japanese.  The S and E China seas are looking more turbulent every day.
For those that have any interest i keep a blog/diary for the purpose of linking interesting articles together such as the rise in suspicious deaths that would benefit the PRC, the PRC being behind the anti-US Okinawa protests, overflights and incursions, and some other oddities that interest me.  It can be found by searching for "Five Feet of Flight Line" (a Naval Air joke)  For a professional media more attuned to West-Pac i recommend the Austrailian based "The Diplomat".

original article :

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