Monday, October 3, 2011

Herman Cain talks Race

An article about a rock called "niggerhead" on Perry's "property".

My response in the comment logs that had degenerated to bigoted name calling.

"Racism is being stirred up by those that will benefit from the distraction.  All races practice racism, what is tiring is the the public dogma exists that you must be white before you can qualify.  Human's are naturally discriminatory, for example beauty pageants.    I recently tracked a tea party spam e-mail with slight racial overtones back the source (as it had the gall to ask for money, it was an easy track) and it seems to have originated from a shadowy Soros entity.   I have nothing to offer as far as speculation as to why a left/socialist/communist entity would want to incite racial hatred, but i do note that it seems that it is the left leaning news outlets that are painting the tea party as racist. 

There will always be distasteful elements in any political movement.  They cannot be completely removed.  To my friends (and enemies) of all colors in America I ask you don't get baited into acting a fool.  We have to, as a nation get a handle on a few things:

Cut back welfare because we cannot afford it.  Too bad Too sad.  "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness"  Not free happiness on someone elses dime 24/7 your entire life.

Get a handle on the white collar corruption that has rotted the financial industries where they control our lives, and our government.

Get the economic playing field re-leveled with China (tariffs etc)

Re establish our manufacturing capabilities including raw resource extraction.

Insure domestic supply (birth to earth) of all critical infrastructure and military product.

All foreign aid programs reviewed and cut back as deemed necessary.  If the world wants a police force, they can have it, but they gotta pay and stop burning our flags.

i could go on

When asked (as a white guy) if i think affirmative action has worked? (i saw it early as i was in the navy just after the Kitty Hawk riots)

I say... "Well I still don't feel safe in Oakland..."

Original article:

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