Saturday, August 31, 2013

Media double standard yet again

Recently two WWII Veterans were killed, but with two very different media spins.

Delbert Belton, killed by thugs, is still a sensation and has multiple stories in multiple outlets all over the world.  The outrage is tweeted by many.  I would post a link but there are so many as the media's use of black on white crime for ratings intensifies.

John Wrana, killed by police for not taking his medications, will remain unmourned except by those close to him.  From the American Legion Site:

When will the media get back to reporting news and not popular hype?  never is my guess, and yes i know there always has been spin.

Outlets and people that have been informed of this story and have done nothing

Michelle Malkin
Jessica Chasmar (Washington Times)  To give her credit, she did say she would run it past her boss.
many others

Monday, August 26, 2013

Some quick research Re: Syria and Sarin

Any sarin use (other than scud or aircraft delivery) by Assad is likely to be done by proxy, aka a pro Alawite militia.  To further narrow it down a militia operating in or around the town of Musharraf al-Samouk (lat 35-36-12 N, long 35-51-30 E)  This city is in the Latakia governorate, Latakia District located between the ports of Latakia and Tartus where there have been recent strikes by Israeli elements on Putinite Shabab (scud) missiles.
Possible militias involved: PFLI-Syrian Resistance whom has already been implicated in some of the worst Sunni civilian attacks to date or Al Nusra (Al Queda affiliate) who's name has come up in regard to forays into Turkey where there has been more than one report of sarin gas being siezed.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Washington Examiner scrubs comments of opposing views

The Washington Examiner has scrubbed several comments calling them out for their rewriting of history regarding the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

My comment pointing out the possibility that the Japanese were close to achieving a nuclear weapon was deleted as was another comment which i wish i had copied as it showed true knowledge of the events of the time.

associated thoughts: