Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is the rise in Chinese Nationalisim push to offset unrest?

The Chinese have been beating the nationalistic drum harder and harder lately it seems.

Celebrating "Victims of Japanese Germ Warfare Experiments" Day:
Victims of Japanese germ warfare remembered via twitter

State News Promoting a new book on the Rape of Nanking: (just a tweet)

What is lost in this rise in anti-Japanese rhetoric is that China's better half after WWII had to leave for Taiwan (Formosa).  

When will the PRC have a day of remembrance for the 20 to 40 million plus (i have seen as high as 78 million) that died at the hands of their current government during Mao's Cultural Revolutions and purges?

Are they seeking distraction for the people from internal troubles?
Index predicts social unrest in China over income disparity (Donga)

They use the Gini index (coefficient), which has risen significantly the last few years to 0.6, to predict social unrest in teh PRC.

Wiki's list of countries by Gini Index:

This is an incredibly high number if found to be reliable.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Climate Change, Geopolitical that is.

Is there a perfect storm brewing?

The Arab "Spring" looks less than rosy as Egypt looks less stable.  Their adherence to the peace treaty with Israel is becoming more questionable daily, and the flow of arms to the Gaza strip is likely to increase with any increase in Egyptian unrest.  This jeopardizes traffic through the Suez Canal.

Increasingly militant Iran (whom i personally believe has their greasy fingers all over the ferment in the middle east since before the 2nd Iraq war) is certainly able to disrupt the Strait of Hormuz, threatening oil supply.

In my post below I outline how China has upped the ante by several hundred miles in the South China placing plausible deniability mechanisms for aggression at sea, threatening oil supplies.

These three trade routes are each creditied with "have an impact on world energy prices, etc", what is going to be the impact if all three are upset at once?

While not at the level of the above, the Ukraine is still smouldering with Tymoshenko still in jail and N. European gas (LPG) and oil at risk.

Sadly i do not have the time to inspect known land based choke points for oil/gas, but i have enough left in RAM to hope Chavez expires and his machine is dismantled in Venezuela.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

China expands claims on South China Sea, adds clout

China has announced an increased military presence in the South China Sea.

First Passports are printed showing China's ownership of the SCS, infuriating many neighbors.

Then they increase the powers of their maritime patrols:

This move aggravates ASEAN:

From the above article:

"China claims virtually the entire sea. The Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia claim various parts."
".... South China Sea has some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. More than half the globe's oil tanker traffic passes through it."

"New rules, which come into effect on January 1, will allow police in the southern Chinese province of Hainan to board and seize control of foreign ships which "illegally enter" Chinese waters and order them to change course or stop sailing, the official China Daily reported."

End quote

The power is in place in the Chinese mind, now they add clout by instituting "Cross Providence Patrols" which serves the purpose turning their "Police" patrols into a unified force.


From the above article:
"At present, the Maritime Safety Administration will arrange two or three patrols in the South China Sea aimed at preventing illegal activities including discharging excessive pollutants into the sea.
Shen Chunsheng, deputy director of the Guangxi Maritime Safety Administration, said the joint patrol is expected to travel nearly 1,000 km (620 miles) to detect pollution discharged by ships."

"Another 36 inspection ships are expected to join the China Marine Surveillance fleet by 2013"

End quote

There you have it, China's self justification for projecting their power 400 miles beyond "agreed" boundaries.  It's been done, all that is left is to wait for the naval incidents to start increasing in number and severity.
Sansha City on Yongxing island is their newest and was built to oversee this "police force" proving to me that the Chinese are about to get serious.

Update: 12/3/12, Doesn't take China long to demonstrate their new clout:

Update: China tells Viet Nam to stop exploring for oil in the SCS. This is interesting because it is the first mention of India using Naval assets in support of Viet Nam.  Which ups the pressure in the SCS just a tad more.


Unverified information on the exploration ship incident, from Reuters comments on the article

"Chinese fishing boats to leave the area the Binh Minh 02 was working in, two Chinese ships numbered 16025 and 16028 ran up behind the Vietnamese ship, breaking off it seismic survey cable.
The location of the cable breakage was at 17.26 degree North latitude and 108.02 East longitude, 43 nautical miles southeast of Vietnam’s Con Co island and 20 nautical miles west of the median line between Vietnam and China."

Update 12/9/12 Vietnamese protest Chinese aggression from BBC
Vietnamese Protest Chinese Aggression

Update 12/13/12  Chinese incursions into disputed Japanese airspace:

BBC: Japan accuses China of airspace intrusion over islands


Update 1/4/13 : Similar article on PRC's new rules re: the South China Sea
