Unpostable at Reuters, it was in response to an "approved" comment re. a Travon Martin/Zimmerman article:
the comment:
" Are you blind? Zimmerman didn’t
pass any lie detector test; none was ever administered. He was STANDING
How dare the judge get incensed that Zimmerman tried to cheat the
system? How dare he describe the crime that Zimmerman committed in
trying to defraud the court in his statement of why his bail was justly
increased. This is just more delaying BS from that murderer. He murdered
an innocent, unarmed child, even after the 911 dispatcher told him not
to pursue Martin. It sounds to me that this judge has a good grip on the
situation; hence the reason why Zimmerman is afraid of him. The
scumball’s afraid he’s actually get a fair trial and go to jail. He
should have considered having that fear before he pulled the trigger.
Prison Inmates have a very distinct opinion about those who commit
crimes against children. I hope Zimmerman enjoys spending long periods
of time by himself, because that’s his future from now on.
a response i tell him to read (referenced by #2 in my rant)
" Apparently you aren’t familiar with the facts:
He was administered a lie detector test, and passed.
Virtually every single “fact” the media presented in a flurry of
accusations was wrong. The 911 call was edited (he did not insinuate he
was going after him because of his race, just answering the operators
question). He did have a broken nose, stitches, etc. Originally
everyone said he had no evidence of being hurt. Witness on the scene
said that it was his calls for help that were heard, not Martins
(originally it was reported it was unclear).
I think Zimmerman has more than enough reason to be worried he will
get a fair trial, thanks to uninformed people like yourself, that rush
to judgement without knowing what they are talking about. I can’t say
that I know whether he is guilty or not, but I would hope that he is
able to get a fair trial. I think there is more than enough evidence to
question whether he is guilty.
Also, typing in all caps and saying he had the weapon doesn’t prove
anything. Of course he had the weapon, that was never an arguement.
The question is whether it was self defense. Think before you type.
my comment:
first read what #2 said then consider the following:
What is lost in current reporting is the mainstream media heavily contributed to incitement to riot (i.e. NBC). They should have been tried. Bounties were placed on Z's head by a hate based group the new black panthers, a fact he will live with the rest of his life. Racism was at a peak in America, and hasn't dropped off much from the looks of the blogs/comments etc. In a case of bitter irony, men banded together by race and with blood in their eyes invaded our cities and government in hoods.
People stand over dead people with guns every day, where is your outrage over Chicago? (much less South Sudan)
Who in this world can stand up in a court of law and prove they do not discriminate? Survival depends on discrimination it is ingrained in our very being to evaluate other people(s) as we come into contact. "Gangsta" chic promotes violence and aggression, sometimes it backfires. Mr. Z's history seems to show a fairly open minded view of society and i applaud his territorial imperative. I completely understand his aversion to being turned into Pavement Soup.
Stop following people with Reverend in front of their name, go back to Dr. or move forward to General (such as C. Powell or maybe even someone from a different race) and emulate their mores as opposed to what the latest rap video tells you.
The fruition of northern european culture that made america great has been under attack for 50 years now, they have us apologizing for saving (and rebuilding)the world's arse. it is likely that the return swing of (needed!) cultural values and racial self esteem will be ugly. Try to do your part to ease the recoil and don't be baited into foolish judgements by media vehicles with unknown agendas.
end rant
after reading their guidelines for posting it turns out they have a probationary period and will not publish comments that do not meet their requirements for adult discourse.
My comment could fail for many reasons, not well written enough to be long, it could be perceived as racist as most real talk about race deals with difficult issues, or maybe i haven't waited long enough for them to approve. Pardon me if i don't hold my breath
Update 07/18/12: the above comment never posted, so i tried again.
"While the world is stuck in appeasement mode, more innocents die at the hands of those who wish us to be destroyed. Appeasement doesn't work, it only buys time. Iran needs a good spanking soon, it is not going to get any easier.
A baby state than can barely pass power control without violence is about to go nuclear. It's like giving a loaded gun to a toddler, you can allow it, but it is not a good idea.
America Vote!"
we shall see
Update 7/22/12 the second comment posted ok about 12 hours later.
8/6/12 never posted
original article:
Circa 1930 there were only about 16000 Communists in China. China, hampered by Quing Dynasty Neo Confucian inertia, failed to ride the industrial wave of the times. Imperial Japan embraced the industrial wave and went expansionist taking Manchuria.
The Big Deuce occurs.
After WW II China has numerous factions competing for power, sadly for the history of the world Mao Tse Tung beat Chang Kai Shek. The Nationalists followed Shek to then Formosa now Taiwan.
The western/chinese culture that thrived on Taiwan is a sharp contrast to what china is after it's Communist leadership killed about 20 Million of it's own people and, until relatively recently, stagnated.
If China wants an apology for the worst atrocities, they should stand in front of a mirror.
For the "Americans are war mongers" types I say that more people have lived in more freedom than ever before in the history of the world under the Aegis of American Power. History will bear the truth of this statement out. I suggest comparing Eastern and Western Europe, North and South Korea, or perhaps Japan and East Germany. Consider where you would rather raise a family.
China today is flush with cash and feeling their oats. The territorial claims made by China are obviously expansionist (look at a map for Pete's sake!) and the entire western world should fear the rise of China if they morph into something along the lines of Imperial Japan.
I will also point out that China routinely chokes supplies, such as water or rare earths for political reasons.
Personally I think the Japanese are sold on the idea of democracy, and i doubt they want to go back to their "Imperial" days. As a note (a loose one), the military hijacked the power structure and was run as a Shogunate during the war years. I truly hope they do not have to fight for their
Circa 1930 there were only about 16000 Communists in China. China, hampered by Quing Dynasty Neo Confucian inertia, failed to ride the industrial wave of the times. Imperial Japan embraced the industrial wave and went expansionist taking Manchuria.
The Big Deuce occurs.
After WW II China has numerous factions competing for power, sadly for the history of the world Mao Tse Tung beat Chang Kai Shek. The Nationalists followed Shek to then Formosa now Taiwan.
The western/chinese culture that thrived on Taiwan is a sharp contrast to what china is after it's Communist leadership killed about 20 Million of it's own people and, until relatively recently, stagnated.
If China wants an apology for the worst atrocities, they should stand in front of a mirror.
For the "Americans are war mongers" types I say that more people have lived in more freedom than ever before in the history of the world under the Aegis of American Power. History will bear the truth of this statement out. I suggest comparing Eastern and Western Europe, North and South Korea, or perhaps Japan and East Germany. Consider where you would rather raise a family.
China today is flush with cash and feeling their oats. The territorial claims made by China are obviously expansionist (look at a map for Pete's sake!) and the entire western world should fear the rise of China if they morph into something along the lines of Imperial Japan.
I will also point out that China routinely chokes supplies, such as water or rare earths for political reasons.
Personally I think the Japanese are sold on the idea of democracy, and i doubt they want to go back to their "Imperial" days. As a note (a loose one), the military hijacked the power structure and was run as a Shogunate during the war years. I truly hope they do not have to fight for their
Posted 8/8/12
There has been race based hate music around for quite sometime, google Tupac Shakur lyrics, some of which call for the killing of policemen.
The right to bear arms if fundamental to the American form of democracy which has given rise to the greatest State in the history of the world.
More people have lived in more freedom under the Aegis of American Power (since WWII)than ever before in history. Predictions of the "people" needing these arms to protect themselves from future tyranny are extant in founding father documents. As a thought experiment compare the timelines of the "Rights of Man" movements in Europe with the technological rise of the gun. There is a connection.
As the American political entities of both stripes continue to behave with mind boggling stupidity "True Americans" feel their ship is being hijacked and perverted..... and headed for a reef.
Americans of every color should contemplate whether of not they would wish to raise a family in N. or S. Korea. Hopefully to recognize the greatness of the American Way Then adhere to it's requirement for self responsibility and truth. Watch the Judiciary as it is impossible for a democracy to survive with a corrupt one (yes that's you Holder).
"With Laws shall our land be built up, and with Lawlessness laid waste" (Njal, from the Saga of Burnt Njal)
fight the good fight and Vote!
Prison Inmates have a very distinct opinion about those who commit crimes against children. I hope Zimmerman enjoys spending long periods of time by himself, because that’s his future from now on.