Friday, March 30, 2012

Unpostable RE:Travon Martin

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Begin Post
"Thanks to someone for the link as far as what N_BC did... i will now and forever hold them in the greatest contempt for the damage they intentionally inflicted.  There may be de_aths from this blatant incitement.

Essentially it goes like this:
N_BC's (and a slew of others) report of the 911 call:
Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks bl__ack.”

Actual call:

Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on dr_ugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”
911 operator: “Okay. And this guy, is he wh_ite bl__ack or His_panic?”
Zimmerman: “He looks b_lack.”  

original story:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm in Despair!

OK, Panetta tells Congress "too bad, too sad, we are going to war when NATO or the UN tells us" as opposed to when Congress tells us to.
You tube of grilling

Representative Walter B Jones Jr. of North Carolina has submitted a bill (H.Con.Res.107):
"Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, section 4 of the Constitution."

This seems lost on the mainstream media, when will "real" Americans wake up? and when will the "other" Americans realize how fragile our freedoms are and that the Northern European Culture as defined by our founding fathers documents is the way to go to keep it?
rhetorical questions obviously

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally a name..

After a few sodas with a friend a name for the political movement America needs to retain any of it's former glory... O'Neo Platonic Facisim, gonna start my manifesto today.

Essentially a ONF asks when summing up someone is "What good are they in a tribe?" with that being said here are a few ground rules for being an ONF..

You must be actively working, have a proven work record (aka retired), or be in training to perform some useful job/task/public good work etc of value to the State.

The same criteria is required to vote in the ONF state.  With picture/biometric ID (tiered citizenship)

Businesses with assets over a certain amount (say 250 million) will be called in to the carpet and asked to essentially swear loyalty to the state.  In other words, to put their people first and not their profit.  (note to self to include hidden trading vehicle dismantlement)  Other than this, the State shall disentangle itself from business other than security of State interests abroad.

Raw resource extraction, re-building our industries and associated insurance against foreign material-component-technology supply fluctuations shall be prioritized over frivolous environmental concerns.

Population control will no longer be taboo to discuss and (hardened) criminals should fear for their fertility.  Reverse eugenics will be halted.

interrupted, back to this later

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

fox news rant re: genreal left/right spilt, anti la raza-MEChA

The war of words goes on... when the "left" doesn't get it's way it just yells louder.  (btw when pressed for a quick division i define left as Panglossian optimists and right as those with some common sense).
The shouts of the left are getting uglier and uglier and the forces behind them downright seditious.
This looks on the surface as another ho-hum OWS action but is actually sponsored by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana-o de Aztlan (MEChA) a bedfellow of La Raza.

This group, and La Raza, are busy spreading rewritten history heavily leavened with white guilt and are quite likely to become violent when they think they can get away with it.  My daughter is bi-lingual and some of the stuff that is broadcast in Spanish here on the California airwaves would curl the hair of anyone who hopes our country survives intact.  I strongly encourage a investigative reporter to get a translator and ride up and down Interstate 5 listening to the AM band, then get an editor with enough stones to print what you hear.  I would do this, but my health forbids it.

Update 7/13/12: Some one finally does it

For those from south of the border please get the blame game right, if you want to hate whites, hate the Spanish ones that run your country. (you could even clean up your narco state as opposed to dragging us down to your level).

Who in the political arena has the courage to say enough is enough and start fighting the fights that need real attention?
Personally I will embrace anyone who takes personal responsibility for one's own actions and is willing to work for a living.  However it is nearing a time when a mainstream "Northern European Culture Pride" movement needs to be formed.  This would be to honor (and return to) the 1000 years of political development (danelaw-magna carta-Dec. of I.-Bill of Rights) that cumulating in more people in the world living with greater freedom (under the aegis of American power) than ever before in history.