I wrote this to try to appease 2 sides of american insanity, original article:
I gotta rant a bit here to add to my earlier comments.
Personally i chortle to myself thinking of Putin choking on his caviar
as his superstar got beaten, and beaten well. The TASS article (which i
read about weekly, know your enemy and all that) puts a fine glaze over
the loss. I would ask readers to contemplate the thoughts of Adolf H.
on Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics. So, moving on, as far as i'm
concerned Go Team USA! Those who rain on Williams' parade and belittle
her achievement should contemplate the lifestyle and drive required to
earn the Gold she deserved, and look in the mirror and ask yourself "do i
have the guts, the energy, the willpower, to achieve that kind of
greatness"? not that everyone has to be an Olympian gold medal winner,
but you have to acknowledge her demonstration of said values.
The polarization of Americans by R._ace feel at it's highest in a long
time. Not the spike peak of the Rodney King incident, but a sustained
angst fanned by the media, such as NBC's editing of the Zimmerman call,
and this article here, which i call R._acist in tone.
As a member of the original boat people of american culture, the Irish,
who fled the assisted genocide of their people by the Kings and Queens
of lily white England (1 in 4 dead english quote "if you feed the Irish
this year, you will just have to feed them next year"), i am outraged
at the disparity in whining between the African immigrants and their
Irish (and itailian, dutch, swede, etc etc) counterparts. The Irish
were actually the more expendable of the two as they were in wage
slavery (i owe my soul to the company store~) where as regular slaves
had monetary value, about that of a car in today's world.
I was raised by a powerful charismatic fighter pilot whose last command
was a unique squadron, VFAW-3, that essentially was responsible for the
west coast during the cold war. Think Jack Nicholson in "a few good
men" (a seditious movie imo). I was taught the concept of Manifest
Destiny from an early age. Which is essentially North America should
rule the world because we have the best system.
Both my mother (who worked for the OSS) and father firmly believed
this. However, in my dad's case, he was a dyed in the wool bi._got. I
resolved as a young man not to hate base on ethnicity, or because
someone tells me to. I have plenty of animosity (it comes easy if
you're Irish ^^) but it requires stimulation, not rhetoric, to awaken
Don't let the media draw the battlelines of r>_cial animosity between
us Americans. Both the left and right are whipping it up to an ugly
level and recognize the real problems. The real problem is, and will
only grow worse, the difference between those who work (or previously
worked), and those who won't.
I say that the concept of manifest destiny is solid, but we just need
everyone to buy into it. Everyone who is an American needs to be
educated that more people have lived in more freedom than in the entire
history of the world under the aegis of American power than ever before
in recorded history. It's not hard to educate someone in this as it is
We all have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". This does not mean free happiness on the taxpayers' dime.
Remove all quotas and ethnic based entitlements from government to
acknowledge the fact that the taxpayers are out of ammo in the war on
Remove all h8 laws from the books, prosecute the crime.
Start sorting kids out by aptitude early on, send the smart ones
(government dimes well spent) on to be educated in the
engineering/math/physics programs, and send the rest, as aptitude
allows, to trade schools. For the incorrigible, our infrastructure is
crumbling and labor for food is a fair trade.
Encourage the African American Community to find better leaders (cain,
powerll, clark, etc) and popularize them to attempt to break the back of
the African American community's tendency to demonize their succesfull
members as traitors.
i could go on, but i've lost the oomph
Prison Inmates have a very distinct opinion about those who commit crimes against children. I hope Zimmerman enjoys spending long periods of time by himself, because that’s his future from now on.