Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is the rise in Chinese Nationalisim push to offset unrest?

The Chinese have been beating the nationalistic drum harder and harder lately it seems.

Celebrating "Victims of Japanese Germ Warfare Experiments" Day:
Victims of Japanese germ warfare remembered via twitter

State News Promoting a new book on the Rape of Nanking: (just a tweet)

What is lost in this rise in anti-Japanese rhetoric is that China's better half after WWII had to leave for Taiwan (Formosa).  

When will the PRC have a day of remembrance for the 20 to 40 million plus (i have seen as high as 78 million) that died at the hands of their current government during Mao's Cultural Revolutions and purges?

Are they seeking distraction for the people from internal troubles?
Index predicts social unrest in China over income disparity (Donga)

They use the Gini index (coefficient), which has risen significantly the last few years to 0.6, to predict social unrest in teh PRC.

Wiki's list of countries by Gini Index:

This is an incredibly high number if found to be reliable.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Climate Change, Geopolitical that is.

Is there a perfect storm brewing?

The Arab "Spring" looks less than rosy as Egypt looks less stable.  Their adherence to the peace treaty with Israel is becoming more questionable daily, and the flow of arms to the Gaza strip is likely to increase with any increase in Egyptian unrest.  This jeopardizes traffic through the Suez Canal.

Increasingly militant Iran (whom i personally believe has their greasy fingers all over the ferment in the middle east since before the 2nd Iraq war) is certainly able to disrupt the Strait of Hormuz, threatening oil supply.

In my post below I outline how China has upped the ante by several hundred miles in the South China placing plausible deniability mechanisms for aggression at sea, threatening oil supplies.

These three trade routes are each creditied with "have an impact on world energy prices, etc", what is going to be the impact if all three are upset at once?

While not at the level of the above, the Ukraine is still smouldering with Tymoshenko still in jail and N. European gas (LPG) and oil at risk.

Sadly i do not have the time to inspect known land based choke points for oil/gas, but i have enough left in RAM to hope Chavez expires and his machine is dismantled in Venezuela.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

China expands claims on South China Sea, adds clout

China has announced an increased military presence in the South China Sea.

First Passports are printed showing China's ownership of the SCS, infuriating many neighbors.

Then they increase the powers of their maritime patrols:

This move aggravates ASEAN:

From the above article:

"China claims virtually the entire sea. The Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia claim various parts."
".... South China Sea has some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. More than half the globe's oil tanker traffic passes through it."

"New rules, which come into effect on January 1, will allow police in the southern Chinese province of Hainan to board and seize control of foreign ships which "illegally enter" Chinese waters and order them to change course or stop sailing, the official China Daily reported."

End quote

The power is in place in the Chinese mind, now they add clout by instituting "Cross Providence Patrols" which serves the purpose turning their "Police" patrols into a unified force.


From the above article:
"At present, the Maritime Safety Administration will arrange two or three patrols in the South China Sea aimed at preventing illegal activities including discharging excessive pollutants into the sea.
Shen Chunsheng, deputy director of the Guangxi Maritime Safety Administration, said the joint patrol is expected to travel nearly 1,000 km (620 miles) to detect pollution discharged by ships."

"Another 36 inspection ships are expected to join the China Marine Surveillance fleet by 2013"

End quote

There you have it, China's self justification for projecting their power 400 miles beyond "agreed" boundaries.  It's been done, all that is left is to wait for the naval incidents to start increasing in number and severity.
Sansha City on Yongxing island is their newest and was built to oversee this "police force" proving to me that the Chinese are about to get serious.

Update: 12/3/12, Doesn't take China long to demonstrate their new clout:

Update: China tells Viet Nam to stop exploring for oil in the SCS. This is interesting because it is the first mention of India using Naval assets in support of Viet Nam.  Which ups the pressure in the SCS just a tad more.


Unverified information on the exploration ship incident, from Reuters comments on the article

"Chinese fishing boats to leave the area the Binh Minh 02 was working in, two Chinese ships numbered 16025 and 16028 ran up behind the Vietnamese ship, breaking off it seismic survey cable.
The location of the cable breakage was at 17.26 degree North latitude and 108.02 East longitude, 43 nautical miles southeast of Vietnam’s Con Co island and 20 nautical miles west of the median line between Vietnam and China."

Update 12/9/12 Vietnamese protest Chinese aggression from BBC
Vietnamese Protest Chinese Aggression

Update 12/13/12  Chinese incursions into disputed Japanese airspace:

BBC: Japan accuses China of airspace intrusion over islands


Update 1/4/13 : Similar article on PRC's new rules re: the South China Sea


Thursday, November 29, 2012

South Koreans celebrate Fukushima Disaster

Some more anti japanese sentiment

Obama negotiates directly with N. Korea to stall missle tests?

The current administration may have made a secret deal with the N. Korean govenment to stall provacative behavior from the ostracized country.

It appears there was a 4 day long secret US diplomatic mission to N. Korea on or about Aug. 17th.


From the article, an english version of the Korean news site Donga.

“There is a high possibility that the U.S. tried to prevent the North from making an armed provocation ahead of the November presidential election and made a proposal corresponding to it,” the source said

While the press is all over Benghazi gate, i hope they manage a few lines on this one.

Update: an article from an english site , the Atlantic Wire:

Update 12/5/12 from another Korean source:The Kyunghyang Shinmum


Monday, November 26, 2012

North Korea preparing long range missle launch?

who really knows, but here's an article from Donga, a S. Korean website.


Update 11/29/12

Update 12/9/12
US threatens economic sanctions for launching:
Donga: US to cut off NK`s money flow if missile test proceeds

Note: Kim Jong UN has not left Pyongyang since August 27th

Donga: Is NK leader staying in P`yang in fear of his personal safety?

North Korea Sends Weapons Grade Aluminum Ingots to Myanmar, Busted

The Asahi Shibum is a pay site, but you can see three or four articles before the limit kicks in.  The following article is about a shipment of weapons material seized about the time our President was visiting Myanmar.

No particular comment, it just didn't make western media as far as i can tell.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nice article on Chinese Politics

In the 1920's China had a feudal warlord type system with many factions competing for power.  You could count the number of communists in china on one hand (by Chinese population standards).  China, sluggish with a Quing based neo-confucian hangover, was slow to respond to the industrial revolution and the Imperial Japanese exploited the technology to conquer much of China.  WWII is fought and ends, and in the ensuing political chaos the communists, a mere 36000 in number in the 1930's, seize power.
The following Reuters article describes the return of "warlord" types to the Chinese political scene:


There are several warlord era movies of modern production that are, imo, quite good.  Donnie Yen, an awesome martial artist, plays in several.  I will mention "Bodyguards and Assassins" and "IP Man" as good examples (IP Man is set during the early stages of Japanese occupation).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Elmo and a choice of words ...

In an article about the Elmo pedophile scandal and whether or not Elmo will survive as a franchise:

... Adam Hanft, CEO of Hanft Projects, a New York-based marketing company. "Elmo transcends the hand up his back,”

Idk what to say, but you would think the head of a marketing company would have a better phrase on hand.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

America's Decline ...

Mein Gott! where to begin.  In the week following the election it feels like America has recoiled from the decision of the electorate while the mainstream media continues to blow trumpets for our Nero.
Trying to dig out the truth in this morass of disinformation is harder than it should be. 

Jefferson's "Tyranny of the Masses" has reared it's ugly head and the new "slaves*" have made the panglossian decision to print more money until the house of cards falls down.

Many elements of govenment have bloated to self destruction, a relatively detailed account of San Berandino's  downfall due to union extortion serves as a good example:

This brings us to the ugly scenario of government employees, including police and firefighters, siding with a government no longer "by the people".   There are already significant violations of fundamental fulcrums in the checks and balances system.  H.Con.Res 107 addresses one of these obvious transgressions.**
So who's going to union bust when the police are union?   I appreciate the work guys but your pay is out of line.  People are whining about losing twinkies wait until police and fire become problematic.  California just slapped a "fee" on rural dwellers for increased fire protection.  It's not a "tax" it's a "fee" for living near trees.  This fee will help our local fire chief go from 150k a year retirement to 170k.  Ca chopped millions from the fire and police budgets but has money to fund such projects as bullet trains with uncertain funding.  It seems that this "pet project" is going forward without the EPA looking too closely as only the farmers whos land is involved are protesting.  The reason for not addressing their concerns? It costs too much to stop moving forward with the project.
Judge refuses to halt progress of California high-speed rail (Reuters)
I won't even go into the "sanctuary city" concept, as flawed an ideal at the state level as likely to be recorded in history.  The "slaves" have counted themselves and have found that they are mighty.  They reveled in their win:
Dead Pig In Romney shirt thrown on Republican's turf (KTLA)

Was the vote cheated enough to sway the election?  Certainly America was cheated by their media, devoid of impartiality, who has been stuffing the "people" full of garbage for decades.
A picture is worth a thousand words:

 Was there feet on the ground fraud?  Probably, but it was good for Kennedy too and how much fraud may never be determined.  I did find this article:  (i have not had time to fully check out it's claims, however it's and interesting and scary read)

That's it for now

* (tip o' the hat to :http://socialismisnotanoption.com/?p=1298#comment-22 for me deciding to sum up the "left", "takers" as simply slaves.

Latest Title: Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Sponsor: Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] (introduced 3/7/2012)      Cosponsors (12)
Latest Major Action: 3/7/2012 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House
Committee on the Judiciary. Currently 12 co-sponsors:
Rep Benishek, Dan [MI-1] - 5/17/2012
Rep Brooks, Mo [AL-5] - 9/21/2012
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] - 4/18/2012
Rep Coffman, Mike [CO-6] - 4/18/2012
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2] - 3/22/2012
Rep Gohmert, Louie [TX-1] - 5/17/2012
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] - 9/10/2012
Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] - 3/28/2012
Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 7/25/2012
Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] - 7/12/2012
Rep Ribble, Reid J. [WI-8] - 4/27/2012
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 9/14/2012
Rep Grijalva, Raul M.
[AZ-7] - 5/10/2012(withdrawn - 5/16/2012)
(taken from the congressional website 11/17/12)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Media bias

A few months ago when this murder was first reported it was "rednecks slaughter innocent immigrant in hate crime"  prompting a round of diplomatic apologies and kowtowing.

Now a few months later, the truth comes out in the backwaters of the KTLA's website


above story removed, here's another:

As of 9/1/13 the story was removed

Sunday, November 11, 2012

PRC pushing Okinawa protests?

After talking with a Japanese friend about the protests in Okinawa against the American military presence there i found it interesting that many Japanese are upset at the Okinawa Governor (for taking money from somewhere and using state resources to stage protests) and i was pointed to a blog and a newspaper article.  Unfortunately they are written in Japanese and quick translation is beyond me even with the modern translation tools.  I may work through it in detail with my friend at a later date.

One thing of note is the evidence of the PRC attending (encouraging) the protests.  My friend gave them the status of agent provocateurs.

I take the liberty of copying the photos specifically because i do not wish to lose track of them:

Update 11/18/12
Okinawa Govenor, Hirokazu Nakaima, continues his quest

Update 8/26/2013
Article from Stars and Stripes about Pro-American Japanese protesting America's presence on Okinawa to undermine the "real" protesters.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

worst case scenario coming true?

I have said more than once that the rise of the military right in China is the world's worst case scenario.
I have also mentioned that the Chinese military academies rhetoric is increasingly threatening.

Something of note from the article:
"Up to seven of the 10 uniformed members of the Central Military Commission, which oversees the armed forces, are set to retire. Members of the new panel are expected to demand an even greater say in decision making — and a tougher line in disputes with other nations."

Until American and Americans take off the rose colored glasses and start knowing enemies for enemies we are truly horked.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Detroit ...

Police tell visitors Detroit is dangerous ....


if that's what they tell the Tiger fans, what do they tell the opponents? ..... "you all are gonna die if we lose?"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stem Cells yet again

This article is especially interesting to me as it describes what i have been dealing with for the last 3 years.


My body had been wasted by disease and treatment.  i was unable to pick up a 13 inch (al) skillet due to wrist pain.  At 54 and desperate, I went to a Doctor who was not "mainstream".  He looked at my blood "Live" via darkfield microscopy.  What was notable is that all the blood cells looked like 4 pointed throwing stars (shiruken) and not particularly lively.

After treatments (focusing on operation scars, notably ACL rebuild scars) that included (pig) stem cells, i knew within two days i had been fixed .. "deep".  It was 3 or 4 days before i told anyone i thought he REALLY fixed me.  I would have guessed my physical age at the time (largely on the state of my metasternum) at well over 70.  I weighed maybe 145 pounds down from about 185.

Due to expense i could not continue to visit the Doc, so i obtained stem cells (the ones already used on me) from Europe in a dicey way.  I have taken a vial (oral, sub-lingual) on the average of every two months (more earlier, last one was a few months ago) for about 3 years now.

I had to come up with new terms for the feelings involved.. "regrowing pains" is probably the best.  It has been a terrible anatomy lesson.  But the gain has been tremendous.
I can now lift the damn skillet, and the dutch oven too.  I'm also up to about 160 now and working on the larger muscles.
And damn me if my muscles don't feel young and springy.

Why is this not more mainstream in America?

Help for PTSD or modern day lobotomy?

As a lifelong victim of "hyper awareness" i'm tempted to ask for one myself... but would i then get hit by a bus the next time i cross the street?

They mess with the most primal of instincts but i hope it gives relief to those that need it.


Friday, September 21, 2012

"Putin did it!" ...

.. were Litvenenko's last words, well close to last anyway. Here is an article with an update on the political situation/fallout. It's not if the Putinite government was involved, it's whether it's worth the political fallout, such as Litvenenko's involvement with the English intelligence agencies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19660441

Update 12/13/12
BBC: Litvenenko working with British Intelligence

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Will World War III start?

Ok let's up the stakes on the headline and ask "Are we headed for WWIII?"

Personally, as much as i hate to face it, i think so.  Everyone before the first two world wars thought that humans had reached "enlightenment" and would not fight again on a global scale.  So for me the arguments that "we have evolved beyond war" or "we are too technologically advanced and interconnected" or "commerce will suffer" are not valid in discussions of "Realpolitik".

Friction points of note, largely left out of western media: The Putinites vs. the Ukraine.  Recently the Putinites showed they still knew how to shoot in Georgia.  As a side note, when google earth first came out i said "cool" and took a look at Petropavlovsk.  The old soviet ssbn's were in an obvious state of disrepair (rust) and lashed together 5 and 6 deep side by side to their moorings.  About a year or two ago, they were "cleaner" and showed signs of having been moved around. Now many are gone leaving behind orderly docks.  The Putinites have been having some fun with their assets, running MiG's into western Naval drills, overflights of American Naval assets and other assorted provocations.  They appear to me getting bolder by the day and (the Ukraine's) Tymschenko is calling for revolution from her jail cell.  Will the people of the Ukraine revolt and the Putinites step in to keep their catspaw in power?  Stay tuned to that channel.

The S. Koreans and Japan have recently had a tiff over territory but it reached a higher angst level with the S. Korean President calling for a Japanese apology over WWII war crimes (comfort women).  What is clear from western media is that S. Korea demanded that the Emperor deliver the apology, however what is missed in the papers i have read is that they demanded that the Emperor kneel.  I have this on good account from a Japanese friend and they are terribly upset over the demand.  China publicly calls for restraint and calm while driving wedges between the Japanese and the S. Koreans under the table (response to the "Asian Pivot").

The Paki's and India have their own problems in Kashmir and any surrounding conflict will likely cause them to try and settle old scores

As far as the middle east goes,.. I'll just say that since WWII it has never been a good omen when Egyptian tanks and troops are moved into the Sinai (straddling the Suez with firepower in case they decide to close it).  Iran's greasy fingers are all over the ferment in the middle east.  The If and or when they go nuclear question rises to the level of any crisis most people alive today can remember.  Allowing a baby state like Iran to have a nuke is like giving a toddler a six shooter.  The US and other western powers are morally obligated to stop them.  The consequences of appeasement here will be devastating.

Mexico just had it's second largest city held hostage by cartels including most of the state of Jalisco (more than 20 simultaneous roadblocks) which includes a significant European/American/Canadian/Japanese retirement community at Lake Chapala.  Leading me to comment about local/internal security...
We now have enought 5th columns to support a roof; La Raza-Mecha, the NBPP,  OWS, and the followers of the prophet.   These people need to be held accountable for their loyalties, swear loyalty to the US first, and if you are not willing to do so, face deportation to somewhere that agrees with you.  Europe had best watch their immigrant populations as the middle east heats up.  There is no Geneva convention to many of the players in this game

To paraphrase Winchell or Cronkite "History's terrible geography lesson is about to begin."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chinese propaganda

The original image, left, and the Xiamen Economic Daily's retouched photo (From Weibo, China’s microblogging platform)

Thanks to the Asahi Shimbun for this photo, it is a 3 article limit, and i didn't want to lose the proof so to speak.

Link to article:

I may fill in more details as i find out more info (other than what is in the article)

unpostable rant number nine

This is all cool, the many many peeps saying O-dog blew it, he's a real soft target now that the floodgates have been open so to speak.. but i gotta rant, and i picked this article to do it in

The mainstream media is flashbulbing us with nothing but the election and some things are seriously missing from the debate.

For example, Jalisco State in our southern neighbor was essentially in a state of anarchy because cartels set up 7 roadblocks in Guadalajara and 15 outside the city limits.  Besides anarchy in their second largest city, it also cuts off a substantial sized retirement community located at Lake Chapala from "civilization".   (not to mention the embassy vehicle shew-ting by police)
Fox .. where are you?

South Korea is angry, not at N. Korea, but at Japan (with China on the sidelines calling for calm, but driving wedges under the table)  for as yet unknown reasons.  Recently the S. Korean leader did a policy flip and revitalized war crimes issues (WWII) calling for the Japanese Emperor to apologize.  It is not clear exactly what he said, as most the papers writing about it are translated versions, but i talked with a Japanese friend, and they said that the S. Korean Leader called for the Emperor to kneel, greatly upsetting the Japanese.  A convoluted mess between two major US allies in the pacific.
Fox where are you?

Many American soldiers are ki11ed at the hands of their current allies.  When the funny guys in black PJ's did it during Viet Nam, it was a field day for the press.  Where is the American political outrage?  It looks like the Afghan war did indeed turn into another Viet Nam.
Where's the politician that can handle all this?  We can't even find one willing to talk about it.  These situations would eat Ron Paul like Iran did Carter.  (Romney has a chance if he listens well)  If we don't find one the world will suffer for it.

Storm Clouds gather and not a weatherman to be found.

Fox.. get some more substance back into your news, don't cater to anyone... and open up a world section in Fox Nation. I'd rather discuss the implications of the new owners of the Suez canal, or Tymshenko's incarceration and call to "fi_ght" (the Ukraine is teetering back to the Putinites) than Lindsey Lohan's favorite r0bbery target.
end rant

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

comment removed by fox/disqus

Here is a comment i made whn a little sick of reading the news reminding me of America's coming collapse:
original article:

The unusual thing about this comment, is that it was removed after a few hours.

I detest people that act obnoxious to get their way.  Now is not the time to be mealy mouthed about what is going on in our country. 
I can barely read the news without wanting to sick up, i know i am not the only one.  Our voices must be raised, but as politely as possible, in the face of this continued assault on Americans that follow the values of self responsibility, positive work ethic, sense of fair play .... in short the values laid down by a thousand years of Northern European Law evolution.  Make it a personal mission, as opprotunity allows, to edify those in need that more people have lived in more personal freedom than ever before under the Aegis of American power, and that the "Left" is doing the world no good when it undermines this state of affairs.  The ugliness that will take place as the American power sphere contracts will make anything read by today's generation look like a comic book.
May God (or Gods, if you prefer) forbid the day we have to put the boots on to kick these seditious vermin to the curb.
end rant

I wonder why this comment was removed?  not "flagged", removed.  Other comments contained more verbal vitrol than this, some were downright vulgar.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

another race rant

I wrote this to try to appease 2 sides of american insanity, original article:

I gotta rant a bit here to add to my earlier comments.
Personally i chortle to myself thinking of Putin choking on his caviar as his superstar got beaten, and beaten well.  The TASS article (which i read about weekly, know your enemy and all that) puts a fine glaze over the loss. I would ask readers to contemplate the thoughts of Adolf H. on Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics.  So, moving on, as far as i'm concerned Go Team USA!  Those who rain on Williams' parade and belittle her achievement should contemplate the lifestyle and drive required to earn the Gold she deserved, and look in the mirror and ask yourself "do i have the guts, the energy, the willpower, to achieve that kind of greatness"?  not that everyone has to be an Olympian gold medal winner, but you have to acknowledge her demonstration of said values.

The polarization of Americans by R._ace feel at it's highest in a long time.  Not the spike peak of the Rodney King incident, but a sustained angst fanned by the media, such as NBC's editing of the Zimmerman call, and this article here, which i call R._acist in tone.

As a member of the original boat people of american culture, the Irish, who fled the assisted genocide of their people by the Kings and Queens of lily white England (1 in 4 dead english quote "if you feed the Irish this year, you will just have to feed them next year"),  i am outraged at the disparity in whining between the African immigrants and their Irish (and itailian, dutch, swede, etc etc) counterparts.  The Irish were actually the more expendable of the two as they were in wage slavery (i owe my soul to the company store~) where as regular slaves had monetary value, about that of a car in today's world.

I was raised by a powerful charismatic fighter pilot whose last command was a unique squadron, VFAW-3, that essentially was responsible for the west coast during the cold war.  Think Jack Nicholson in "a few good men" (a seditious movie imo).  I was taught the concept of Manifest Destiny from an early age.  Which is essentially North America should rule the world because we have the best system.

Both my mother (who worked for the OSS) and father firmly believed this.  However, in my dad's case, he was a dyed in the wool bi._got.  I resolved as a young man not to hate base on ethnicity, or because someone tells me to.  I have plenty of animosity (it comes easy if you're Irish ^^) but it requires stimulation, not rhetoric, to awaken it.

Don't let the media draw the battlelines of r>_cial animosity between us Americans.  Both the left and right are whipping it up to an ugly level and recognize the real problems.  The real problem is, and will only grow worse, the difference between those who work (or previously worked), and those who won't.

I say that the concept of manifest destiny is solid, but we just need everyone to buy into it.  Everyone who is an American needs to be educated that more people have lived in more freedom than in the entire history of the world under the aegis of American power than ever before in recorded history.  It's not hard to educate someone in this as it is true.

We all have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".  This does not mean free happiness on the taxpayers' dime.
Remove all quotas and ethnic based entitlements from government to acknowledge the fact that the taxpayers are out of ammo in the war on poverty. 
Remove all h8 laws from the books, prosecute the crime.
Start sorting kids out by aptitude early on, send the smart ones (government dimes well spent) on to be educated in the engineering/math/physics programs, and send the rest, as aptitude allows, to trade schools.  For the incorrigible, our infrastructure is crumbling and labor for food is a fair trade.
Encourage the African American Community to find better leaders (cain, powerll, clark, etc) and popularize them to attempt to break the back of the African American community's tendency to demonize their succesfull members as traitors.
i could go on, but i've lost the oomph

Thursday, July 26, 2012

unable to post on fox nation:
I have searched for a rational explanation for the (Great) Medieval warming period, about 400 years when dairy cattle were raised in Greenland (about 1000-1400).  It is probable that grapes grew in Newfoundland at this time.
Gore and his ilk called it a "blip" or "localized" or irrelevant. However a recent study "An Ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula" a paper written that seems to support a much larger warming area than "localized" proponents wish us to believe.  It costs bucks to read the study, but the original article can e found here:
http://news dot investors dot com/article/605815/201203271858/medieval-warming-period-is-no-myth.htm
this post is chopped sections from my blog/diary, i give more thought to it here (just a layman trying to get the facts straight)
http://steelgeneral dot blogspot dot com/2012/06/back-to-climate-change-for-bit.html

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Unpostable at Reuters, it was in response to an "approved" comment re. a Travon Martin/Zimmerman article:
the comment:
" Are you blind? Zimmerman didn’t pass any lie detector test; none was ever administered. He was STANDING OVER THE DEAD BODY, WITH THE MURDER WEAPON IN HIS HAND! He’s guilty!
How dare the judge get incensed that Zimmerman tried to cheat the system? How dare he describe the crime that Zimmerman committed in trying to defraud the court in his statement of why his bail was justly increased. This is just more delaying BS from that murderer. He murdered an innocent, unarmed child, even after the 911 dispatcher told him not to pursue Martin. It sounds to me that this judge has a good grip on the situation; hence the reason why Zimmerman is afraid of him. The scumball’s afraid he’s actually get a fair trial and go to jail. He should have considered having that fear before he pulled the trigger.
Prison Inmates have a very distinct opinion about those who commit crimes against children. I hope Zimmerman enjoys spending long periods of time by himself, because that’s his future from now on.

a response i tell him to read (referenced by #2 in my rant)

" Apparently you aren’t familiar with the facts:
He was administered a lie detector test, and passed.
Virtually every single “fact” the media presented in a flurry of accusations was wrong. The 911 call was edited (he did not insinuate he was going after him because of his race, just answering the operators question). He did have a broken nose, stitches, etc. Originally everyone said he had no evidence of being hurt. Witness on the scene said that it was his calls for help that were heard, not Martins (originally it was reported it was unclear).
I think Zimmerman has more than enough reason to be worried he will get a fair trial, thanks to uninformed people like yourself, that rush to judgement without knowing what they are talking about. I can’t say that I know whether he is guilty or not, but I would hope that he is able to get a fair trial. I think there is more than enough evidence to question whether he is guilty.
Also, typing in all caps and saying he had the weapon doesn’t prove anything. Of course he had the weapon, that was never an arguement. The question is whether it was self defense. Think before you type.

 my comment:
first read what #2 said then consider the following:
What is lost in current reporting is the mainstream media heavily contributed to incitement to riot (i.e. NBC).  They should have been tried.  Bounties were placed on Z's head by a hate based group the new black panthers, a fact he will live with the rest of his life.  Racism was at a peak in America, and hasn't dropped off much from the looks of the blogs/comments etc.  In a case of bitter irony,  men banded together by race and with blood in their eyes invaded our cities and government in hoods.
People stand over dead people with guns every day, where is your outrage over Chicago? (much less South Sudan)
Who in this world can stand up in a court of law and prove they do not discriminate?  Survival depends on discrimination it is ingrained in our very being to evaluate other people(s) as we come into contact.  "Gangsta" chic promotes violence and aggression, sometimes it backfires.  Mr. Z's history seems to show a fairly open minded view of society and i applaud his territorial imperative. I completely understand his aversion to being turned into Pavement Soup.
Stop following people with Reverend in front of their name, go back to Dr. or move forward to General (such as C. Powell or maybe even someone from a different race) and emulate their mores as opposed to what the latest rap video tells you.
The fruition of northern european culture that made america great has been under attack for 50 years now, they have us apologizing for saving (and rebuilding)the world's arse. it is likely that the return swing of (needed!) cultural values and racial self esteem will be ugly.  Try to do your part to ease the recoil and don't be baited into foolish judgements by media vehicles with unknown agendas.
end rant

after reading their guidelines for posting it turns out they have a probationary period and will not publish comments that do not meet their requirements for adult discourse.

My comment could fail for many reasons, not well written enough to be long, it could be perceived as racist as most real talk about race deals with difficult issues, or maybe i haven't waited long enough for them to approve.  Pardon me if i don't hold my breath

Update 07/18/12: the above comment never posted, so i tried again.
"While the world is stuck in appeasement mode, more innocents die at the hands of those who wish us to be destroyed.  Appeasement doesn't work, it only buys time.  Iran needs a good spanking soon, it is not going to get any easier.
A baby state than can barely pass power control without violence is about to go nuclear.  It's like giving a loaded gun to a toddler, you can allow it, but it is not a good idea.
America Vote!"

we shall see 
Update 7/22/12 the second comment posted ok about 12 hours later. 

8/6/12 never posted
original article:
Circa 1930 there were only about 16000 Communists in China.  China, hampered by Quing Dynasty Neo Confucian inertia, failed to ride the industrial wave of the times.  Imperial Japan embraced the industrial wave and went expansionist taking Manchuria.
The Big Deuce occurs.
After WW II China has numerous factions competing for power, sadly for the history of the world Mao Tse Tung beat Chang Kai Shek.  The Nationalists followed Shek to then Formosa now Taiwan.
The western/chinese culture that thrived on Taiwan is a sharp contrast to what china is after it's Communist leadership killed about 20 Million of it's own people and, until relatively recently, stagnated.
If China wants an apology for the worst atrocities, they should stand in front of a mirror.
For the "Americans are war mongers" types I say that more people have lived in more freedom than ever before in the history of the world under the Aegis of American Power.  History will bear the truth of this statement out.  I suggest comparing Eastern and Western Europe, North and South Korea, or perhaps Japan and East Germany.  Consider where you would rather raise a family.
China today is flush with cash and feeling their oats.  The territorial claims made by China are obviously expansionist (look at a map for Pete's sake!) and the entire western world should fear the rise of China if they morph into something along the lines of Imperial Japan.
I will also point out that China routinely chokes supplies, such as water or rare earths for political reasons. 
Personally I think the Japanese are sold on the idea of democracy, and i doubt they want to go back to their "Imperial" days.   As a note (a loose one), the military hijacked the power structure and was run as a Shogunate during the war years.  I truly hope they do not have to fight for their

Circa 1930 there were only about 16000 Communists in China.  China, hampered by Quing Dynasty Neo Confucian inertia, failed to ride the industrial wave of the times.  Imperial Japan embraced the industrial wave and went expansionist taking Manchuria.
The Big Deuce occurs.
After WW II China has numerous factions competing for power, sadly for the history of the world Mao Tse Tung beat Chang Kai Shek.  The Nationalists followed Shek to then Formosa now Taiwan.
The western/chinese culture that thrived on Taiwan is a sharp contrast to what china is after it's Communist leadership killed about 20 Million of it's own people and, until relatively recently, stagnated.
If China wants an apology for the worst atrocities, they should stand in front of a mirror.
For the "Americans are war mongers" types I say that more people have lived in more freedom than ever before in the history of the world under the Aegis of American Power.  History will bear the truth of this statement out.  I suggest comparing Eastern and Western Europe, North and South Korea, or perhaps Japan and East Germany.  Consider where you would rather raise a family.
China today is flush with cash and feeling their oats.  The territorial claims made by China are obviously expansionist (look at a map for Pete's sake!) and the entire western world should fear the rise of China if they morph into something along the lines of Imperial Japan.
I will also point out that China routinely chokes supplies, such as water or rare earths for political reasons. 
Personally I think the Japanese are sold on the idea of democracy, and i doubt they want to go back to their "Imperial" days.   As a note (a loose one), the military hijacked the power structure and was run as a Shogunate during the war years.  I truly hope they do not have to fight for their

Posted 8/8/12

There has been race based hate music around for quite sometime, google Tupac Shakur lyrics, some of which call for the killing of policemen.

The right to bear arms if fundamental to the American form of democracy which has given rise to the greatest State in the history of the world.
More people have lived in more freedom under the Aegis of American Power (since WWII)than ever before in history.  Predictions of the "people" needing these arms to protect themselves from future tyranny are extant in founding father documents.  As a thought experiment compare the timelines of the "Rights of Man" movements in Europe with the technological rise of the gun.  There is a connection.
As the American political entities of both stripes continue to behave with mind boggling stupidity "True Americans" feel their ship is being hijacked and perverted..... and headed for a reef.
Americans of every color should contemplate whether of not they would wish to raise a family in N. or S. Korea. Hopefully to recognize the greatness of the American Way   Then adhere to it's requirement for self responsibility and truth.  Watch the Judiciary as it is impossible for a democracy to survive with a corrupt one (yes that's you Holder).
"With Laws shall our land be built up, and with Lawlessness laid waste" (Njal, from the Saga of Burnt Njal)
fight the good fight and Vote!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to Climate Change for a bit

Well, after a particularly offensive "human induced global warming" or climate change article from BBC News here, i went on another search regarding a rational explanation of the "Great Medieval Warming Period".  About a 400 year period when dairy cattle were raised on the west coast of Greenland and wine grapes may have been found as far north as Labrador.

This has been pooh-poohed as a "blip" (Al Gore) or as "localized" by many scientists.  There are numerous blogs and counter blogs regarding the issues.  However a new chip has been tossed on the table in the form of  "An Ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula" a paper written that seems to support a much larger warming area than "localized" proponents wish us to believe.  I would attempt to work through it, but it appears to be 40 bucks for the privilege. There is an article I found here from "investors business daily's" website.  I have not vetted them for quality or bias, but it seems a reasonable argument for the continual media bias (or ignorance) in existence for climate change.

The climate change alarmists/power players have many blogs etc attempting to rebut the Ikaite study, relying on an interview with the author of the paper who essentially says "this was not meant to be extrapolated over the entire planet", which is cool, no one wants that, it is just more supporting evidence that the GMWP was more than a "blip".

But then he goes on to say that he supports anthropogenic global warming theories and i sincerely wish i could look him in the eye when he was saying it.

Well, after about another 2 hours of trying to find good information within my intellectual grasp i still see stones being thrown across the aisle by apparently legitimate scientists representing both the AGW faithful and "Gore is a Crook" sides.

In all the readings i have done in the areas of history and anthropology climate is often a force driving humans and their ancestors hither and yon as we have evolved.  Some of these climatic forces are treated as that's the way it was by historians and anthropologists and yet never seem brought up by the climate types.
My latest thought to research (i am out of time) is: is the Shang Dynasty of China's agricultural model (during a "warmer, moister period in history"*) sustainable in today's climate?

Later, i found this:
Same time frame, different civilization

Here it is, official blessing of AGW under the radar with so speculation as to fiscal impact:

* China, A Modern History, by J.K Fairbank, M Goldman. pub. 2006

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fox News Disables Comments

I find it interesting that Fox News has effectively disabled commenting from stories with any meat to them.  Checking their FAQs and other support areas i found this answer dated yesterday (05/21/12) to the question "Does Fox News allow commenting?"
The Answer:
"We do! FoxNews.com believes your comments contribute value to the site experience and we support conversation on a selected stories across the site. We encourage you make your comments insightful and to keep a respectful tone toward others."
Ironically this topic was closed to comments as they had the gall to put that on the page (i didn't expect them to allow it as it was in the form of a FAQ).  Further searching showed nothing useful or informative regarding the reason.

I personally liked commenting on the hot topics of the day despite the impolite mantras from both extreme sides of the fence.  There is good information to be gleaned if one has the patience.

The efforts of Disqus to regulate the conversation with software would have to rank somewhere between dismal failure and ludicrous.  A few known flag words:
rupert murdoch (i tested this one to be sure)

I still have posts i never figured out what stopped them from going through the "moderator".  It's half the reason i started this blog.  Many are in this blog.
What's the point of this post/blog?  Idk, just keeping track of stuff.

Monday, May 7, 2012


My rebuttal to :

The Author is lac_king in basic research skills.
First the easy ta_rg_et (btw i got bor_ed with your tr_ipe and may have mi_sed some details, but i'm going ahead anyway)
The "p.i_m_p" was a wo_man, which would make her a mad_ame (Re_uters)
The girls were all card carrying P-tutes in a country where it is legal.
The girls themselves are shoc_ked by all the attention and the Re_uters interviews show mostly surprise and an attitude of "life is not fair, but we make the best of it".
Do you even know how many of the men were actually married?  In my Navy experience it was the single guys who utilized the locals desire for income as opposed to the married ones.  Many of the guys have no one that cares about them. Try finding American Women today that will sit out deployments alone for 20 years with a few squalling kids without transgressions.  Please research the infid_elity of such wo_men before performing a character as_sa_si_nat_ion on our entire military.  To those "True Navy Wives" g_o_d b_le_s_s your souls because of what it means (to us) when you are alone, cold, and sometimes in f_ear.
I will quote my mom here, as she was a woman of some personal power (OSS employee during WWII)
"Any woman who looks down on a P-tute never had hungry children to feed"
Instead of po_ntificating about the ha_rsh realities of the world as you view them through the myopic lens of our college induced fem_ini_sm, try traveling to any poor country near a military base and meet the people.  Improve their lives if you can, but get a grip on reality first.  You can start by res_earching your story.
end of ra-nt

Friday, March 30, 2012

Unpostable RE:Travon Martin

Rejected by Disqus

Begin Post
"Thanks to someone for the link as far as what N_BC did... i will now and forever hold them in the greatest contempt for the damage they intentionally inflicted.  There may be de_aths from this blatant incitement.

Essentially it goes like this:
N_BC's (and a slew of others) report of the 911 call:
Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks bl__ack.”

Actual call:

Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on dr_ugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”
911 operator: “Okay. And this guy, is he wh_ite bl__ack or His_panic?”
Zimmerman: “He looks b_lack.”  

original story:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm in Despair!

OK, Panetta tells Congress "too bad, too sad, we are going to war when NATO or the UN tells us" as opposed to when Congress tells us to.
You tube of grilling

Representative Walter B Jones Jr. of North Carolina has submitted a bill (H.Con.Res.107):
"Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, section 4 of the Constitution."

This seems lost on the mainstream media, when will "real" Americans wake up? and when will the "other" Americans realize how fragile our freedoms are and that the Northern European Culture as defined by our founding fathers documents is the way to go to keep it?
rhetorical questions obviously

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally a name..

After a few sodas with a friend a name for the political movement America needs to retain any of it's former glory... O'Neo Platonic Facisim, gonna start my manifesto today.

Essentially a ONF asks when summing up someone is "What good are they in a tribe?" with that being said here are a few ground rules for being an ONF..

You must be actively working, have a proven work record (aka retired), or be in training to perform some useful job/task/public good work etc of value to the State.

The same criteria is required to vote in the ONF state.  With picture/biometric ID (tiered citizenship)

Businesses with assets over a certain amount (say 250 million) will be called in to the carpet and asked to essentially swear loyalty to the state.  In other words, to put their people first and not their profit.  (note to self to include hidden trading vehicle dismantlement)  Other than this, the State shall disentangle itself from business other than security of State interests abroad.

Raw resource extraction, re-building our industries and associated insurance against foreign material-component-technology supply fluctuations shall be prioritized over frivolous environmental concerns.

Population control will no longer be taboo to discuss and (hardened) criminals should fear for their fertility.  Reverse eugenics will be halted.

interrupted, back to this later

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

fox news rant re: genreal left/right spilt, anti la raza-MEChA

The war of words goes on... when the "left" doesn't get it's way it just yells louder.  (btw when pressed for a quick division i define left as Panglossian optimists and right as those with some common sense).
The shouts of the left are getting uglier and uglier and the forces behind them downright seditious.
Example: http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-cal-state-la-protest,0,3468000.story
This looks on the surface as another ho-hum OWS action but is actually sponsored by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana-o de Aztlan (MEChA) a bedfellow of La Raza.

This group, and La Raza, are busy spreading rewritten history heavily leavened with white guilt and are quite likely to become violent when they think they can get away with it.  My daughter is bi-lingual and some of the stuff that is broadcast in Spanish here on the California airwaves would curl the hair of anyone who hopes our country survives intact.  I strongly encourage a investigative reporter to get a translator and ride up and down Interstate 5 listening to the AM band, then get an editor with enough stones to print what you hear.  I would do this, but my health forbids it.

Update 7/13/12: Some one finally does it

For those from south of the border please get the blame game right, if you want to hate whites, hate the Spanish ones that run your country. (you could even clean up your narco state as opposed to dragging us down to your level).

Who in the political arena has the courage to say enough is enough and start fighting the fights that need real attention?
Personally I will embrace anyone who takes personal responsibility for one's own actions and is willing to work for a living.  However it is nearing a time when a mainstream "Northern European Culture Pride" movement needs to be formed.  This would be to honor (and return to) the 1000 years of political development (danelaw-magna carta-Dec. of I.-Bill of Rights) that cumulating in more people in the world living with greater freedom (under the aegis of American power) than ever before in history.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stem Cell fraudsters busted

Some back alley stem cell activity.
From the article:
"Dr. Craig Klugman, a medical ethicist at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, said stem cells appeal to people who are desperate for cures."

no doubt... by the time they are at the stage of jumping countries all straws have hope.

Now as one of those "desperate for a cure", and i well remember my conversation with my kids about the intelligence of going avant garde for a cure, i gotta chime in a bit.
Stem cells have achieved miraculous results for me.  And the count is up to 4 others that i know personally that have used the same word miraculous or fountain of youth.  BTW, being of modest wealth and going downhill fiscally (still unable to work) i took the stem cells of a pig.

Another quote :
"They are using a new marketing tool to make you think this is something very futuristic and cutting edge," Klugman said. "I would be very skeptical of anything claiming to have stem cells in it because, at least in the United States, there is nothing commercially approved for use with stem cells in it."

It is not hard to see these as "futuristic and cutting edge" .... because they are!

So my rhetorical questions are:
Where is this stuff in mainstream medicine!?!  Is it because it will put the cut and dope men out of business?
Dr. Klugman's title is that of a medical ethicist, what is the ethics of withholding stem cell therapies from the American public?  What ethics are involved when irradiating, poisoning, and cutting are the preferred treatments?  Sounds like business ethics to me.
Stem cells should be front page news every day in the health sections.  And it should not be "beware of stem cell dealers in dark alleys" it should be "latest tests show...", "new strain developed to target inner ear cochlea cilia", (true btw added link 09/12/12 ) and "FDA finally gets off it's arse and looks at what Europe is doing with stem cells!".

These are also fairly inexpensive to make.

My source for these wonderful beauties has dried up.  I look forward to the day i can talk honestly with a mainstream doctor about where to get them and what to take.

Added link 3/7/12
Fox: stem-cell-research-allows-for-mismatched-kidney-transplants/

More Chinese purchasing of American Infrastructure

Just collecting info here.. China buying up American assets that imo should be kept American.

Corrected: Sinopec, Total pour $4.5 billion into U.S. shale

and just a bit north

PetroChina buys control of Canada oil sands project

Our accelerating proclivity to sell information, technology and natural resources without regard to long term American interests will bite us in the arse big time.  Until American politicians actively recognize China (and others) as economic enemies and start protecting the seeds of american prosperity  we are truly leaderless.

update 05/22/12
Chinese counterfeit parts in US military equipment:

Update 05/22/12

What the implications of this are i am not sure (other than what the article points out) but i doubt the long term effect will be good for America.  The gist is that China can buy US debt without the use of brokers

Monday, January 2, 2012

Why America is the greatest Political system

Good Explanation of the Uniqueness of Northern European law


While i have not read enough of the articles from the source site to know how extreme they are, this article is a good fast explanation of the differences between Northern European/American law, and other other  main "styles" of law in the world.  It rightly points out that in the moslem world women are treated awfully.
Vikings were slammed heavily in early history by christian propagandists.  Much was made of their barbarity and much of that reputation was deserved.  However the seeds of northern European/American legal systems were sprouted there in what is known as the Danelaw.